Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today: Finances

Debriefing from Cheerfulness: Not bad. An occasional slip, but it doesn't make sense to aim for constant, 100% cheer all the time. I turned a lot of frowns into silver lining searches, so that's success, I'll say. I didn't even go to the Demotivators website, so that's also something. Their stuff is so awesome, though. Now that it's not cheerfulness day, I may wander over there.

Today I'm going to look at those finances that I never look at.

What does my monthly budget look like these days? Where are those autopays going and how much have they been lately? What's the breakdown on some of these bills? Are all my Mint accounts up to date? All questions that have gone unanswered for a long time. More like, unasked.

What's the bright side of financial spring cleaning? Well, tax season is lurking, for one. And for two, well, one friend has a 'menace budget'. A slush fund for nonsense, if you will. He sets aside so much a month, and then will blow it all one day for completely superfluous stuff. I'd better make him spring clean his finances and see if he can't go skiing or get a professional massage. He actually uses an automatic deposit into a completely separate account, so even if he forgot, it's still growing there, twenty bucks at a time. It's nice because you really know that it's money that you've already decided and set aside for non-necessities. It's specifically for ridiculous stuff you probably shouldn't own, but you've budgeted for it, so it's okay.

High time to do some investigative digging in my own accounts. See where I can trim back, start contributing to Nonsense Fund.