Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LoL: Soraka Files 3

My friend Lin was too stressed to sleep. He gets too into his games, generally speaking. So I suggested he play Soraka - in my opinion, the most relaxing way to play LoL. Let me lay out the argument:

1) See Soraka Files 1, Soraka Is Not A Carry argument.
1a) the corollary, Soraka is Nothing But A Backpack.
You've done your job to the best of your ability if your cooldown rates are maxed, and everything's always on cooldown. That's it. It's that simple. You heal as much as possible, you refill mana / silence as much as is humanly possible. You can rest easy, confident in the knowledge that you've done everything you could to help the team, you haven't fed, and you're hanging back in the safety zone. You don't have to wonder if you should be in a different position, if you should save your skills for the right moment, or if you should be buying something else, or doing some aspect of your job better. All those other responsibilities do not fall in your jurisdiction. You cannot tank, initiate, nothing. So no need to worry about whether or not you could be doing it better. The most you can do is bring more team-oriented items and summoner spells.

2) See Soraka Files 1, Soraka is Never In the Limelight
Remember, Soraka is never targeted! Well, unless the other team is really good. Or your team is REALLY bad.

Sadly this gracious gesture didn't pan out - he's not as fatalistic as me. When I'm Soraka and we lose, I just say: "well, couldn't do anything, I healed the team." When he loses, my friend often frets too much that he 'didn't do enough'. Which I've been trying to tell him is a bit ridiculous. You're one out of five, and sometimes, the other team is way better than your team.

Lin: But we must be better! We can be the best if we just try enough!
Me: No. We will not. Because we've seen what world-class players are like. Jerks. Do you want to be a world-class jerk, just to be good at LoL?
Lin: No...

There is a mentality, related to point 1 and 1a, above, that can be good and bad. If you watch them livestreams (which I do not admit to watching, because that would be intensely nerdy) you'll wonder why so many LoL players can't ever make a mistake without giving some tired excuse about lag, luck, "I did it on purpose", etc. etc. I've heard one or two of them curse out the game's interface after it supposedly 'caused' a death. The game itself! That they are willingly playing for nigh-on 40 hours a week! These people can never be wrong, no matter who else has to be wrong from them to be right! You'd think it's just because they're being jerks, but let's not categorize it as that for now - let's delve deeper. They can't stand not being the absolute best, and will work at it until they are exactly where they think they deserve to be. Of course, for the rest of us, it means that we get all the verbal abuse and blame because they can't possibly find room in their heads to consider themselves ever wrong or at fault. Got wiped trying to 1v5 the entire other team? It was your fault for not being there. Fed hard early game? Abuse the rest of the team for being noobs, go idle like a spoilt child because the other people lost you the game. And on and on. I don't want a friend like that, frankly, and I hope to never have coworkers like that, either. I'm guessing that's what playing in a professional league is like, all the time. Only in this case, not for millions of dollars and adoring fans like in the NFL or NBA, but for a video game.

Nan has this mentality. He's not that much of a jerk, probably because the rest of us never try to compete with him in an area he's decided he's better than us at. He won't play LoL, by the way, because in his mind, I'm pretty sure he's already the best at it, so he doesn't need to prove himself to "those losers". He played for precisely 2 minutes, and was pretty confused as to why he wasn't immediately winning - after all, he was so much better than us. "This game is broken," he said, and hasn't played since. But I'm confident he still thinks he's the best LoL player ever born.

This is an amazing mentality, jerk attitudes aside. It's that inner drive that makes people superstars. But it also makes them unbearable, and I'm not sure I have a way to diffuse the numerous situations they create on a daily basis. Mostly, society lets them alone to do their thing, and just slaps their hands with fines when they start thinking they're too big for the normal rules and niceties of life. They have a hard time remembering that the rest of us aren't also frothing at the mouth to be the absolute best at some obscure thing, and just assume that we aspire to be the best, and are just losers, or lazy.

So if any of that rings true for you, do your best to dial it back a bit. Even if you really are ranked number one in the world at something, try to keep it in perspective, yeah? And remember, the rest of us don't hate you because we're jealous, we hate you because you're an insufferable jerk. Honestly.

Oh yeah, and Lin said Soraka was boring to play (sadface!).