Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is Your Brain Tired?

Donate it! Remember, there are thousands upon millions of hungry, orphaned, zombie children out there in desperate need of your generosity!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Do You Know a Pre-Med?

Try this on them.

A common question an interviewer will ask them is 'What is your greatest weakness?'

This is because 100% of pre-med students are ... pre-med-student-like. Their answer is, inevitably, 'I'm a perfectionist. Everything about me just has to be perfect, or I work like insane to make it that way.'

Don't you find that incredibly aggravating? Isn't that the same as saying 'I'm perfect, I have no faults?'

Here's your new reply: 'So, you're saying you constantly strive toward an impossible goal and are faced with the continuing failure of your existence? How's that working out for you?'