Tuesday, October 7, 2014

NA LCS Playoff: CRS vs CLS Quarterfinals

--- Game 1 ---
Crs Bans: Vayne, Zed, Kha'Zix
CLG Bans: Tristana, Alistar, Corki
Crs: Nidalee, Nocturne, Syndra, Lucian, Zilean
CLG: Lulu, Nunu, Kog'Maw, Twitch, Thresh
Unusual team comps from both sides?  You think that it's something that CLG brought back from Korea, but then they let the Nidalee get away from them.

--- Game 2 ---
Crs Bans: Vyne, Twitch, Alistar
CLG Bans: Tristana, Corki, Kog'Maw
Crs: Nidalee, Nunu, Syndra, Jinx, Braum
CLG: Maokai, Kha'Zix, Ryze, Lucian, Zilean
CLG lets Crs have the Nidalee again, but lane-swaps to try and keep Quas down, but no.

--- Game 3 ---
Crs Bans: Vayne, Twitch, Alistar
CLG Bans: Tristana, Syndra, Nidalee
Crs: MaoKai, Nunu, Yasuo, Corki, Zilean
CLG: Lulu, Evelyn, Ryze, Kog'Maw, Nami
Okay, now CLG has banned Nidalee, but their comp is still unusual.