Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today: Sharing Knowledge

Debriefing from Planning Ahead 2: Not bad - didn't get to bed til late, but I don't seem to be feeling too many ill-effects today. Must've been that coffee this morning? So, to review our specific aims:
1) get a small chore done
Pretty small chore, unloading the dishwasher. But, I also made a quickie dinner, so.... win!
2) play video games til the cows come home
Check, and check.
3) watch an episode of something I actually want to watch
Well, played video games until late. So, whatever.
4) get to bed at a reasonable time
See note under (3). Still, not too bad.

Today I'm going to Share My Knowledge.

Now, I know what you're thinking - I don't have knowledge to share, but consider this: sometimes you blazed the way and it might have been nice if someone had left you a signpost, right? Well, you can be that signpost for someone else. A number of my friends are working on their dissertations of late, and I just happened to have recently come through those woods. I can share what few tricks I invented and used to get me through, it might come in handy for them. If those tips are received warmly, I'll put them up here in a little miniseries of sorts. Hah, then if one of my friends asks in the future, I'll just make them sift through old blog posts!

Wait, wait, I have another example: my friend Xian was badgered into giving a mini-class on "programming". I asked him: "programming? Like.... how to do everything you do for a living? I don't get it." But just the word was pretty popular amongst people who... I guess, don't know what programming is? At any rate, you'd be surprised how many people were interested in "learning programming". From a programmer, no less! And it's not like he was teaching them anything high level. Just basic stuff that everyone with rudimentary programming skills knows, but the more lay-person never learned. So, moral of the story is, there are people out there who genuinely would like to learn some fundamentals that you take for granted. For instance, I could use some tips on keeping houseplants alive, or practice speaking another language. There was also a stargazing group that Xian and I crashed - someone with obvious astronomy cred was just giving out knowledge for free!

Now, I've just got to find a willing audience...