Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today: Be Sullen

Debrief from Being Supportive: I supported Xian through some Dead Space ("You're doing great! Look at that necromorph get his limbs sliced off!" "Everything's going really well! I'm sure there aren't any more lurking in the vents, you'll be just fine!"), but no other opportunities really presented themselves. But I'm often very supportive, so it's not like it's a stretch. Which brings me to today...

Today I'm going to Be Sullen.

That's specifically to say, the opposite of Poker Face, and not feel bad about failing Poker Face. Is that counterproductive? I'm not going to care. Oh, I look unhappy, do I? Perhaps I am unhappy. Want to make something of it?

Normally I strive to be helpful and positive, but not today. Today, the world has crossed the line, and I am deliberately not going to care who knows it and thinks I'm being sullen for no reason. You know why? Those people could use the hint that they are selfish and I'm not going to be there for them with a sunny disposition and helpful advice everyday like clockwork when I'm not getting any kickbacks. I've told my jerk co-worker enough times what I need him to do and not do, and if he can't remember it or make a token effort, then he won't find himself with my cheerful cooperation, at least for today. (I'm also mad when people think I'm sullen for no reason, or for reasons other than them. If someone is sullen or becomes sullen in your presence there's a pretty good chance you are or are not doing something to make them so. It isn't just spontaneous. You could probably be doing something more helpful than what you are doing right then, you know? Duh.)

It's been a crummy, unproductive day, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. I'm going to rain all over all parades today, not feel bad about it in the least, and maybe get back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

Friends and family are obviously exempt, since they have been excellent company as usual. I've just had it with work for the day.