Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Naturally, the show's title has changed to reflect my personal favorites.

I love Heroes to death, and this week, we have come to the realization that Heroes is spinning us an magnificently Scheherazade weaving.

Step 1: "Let me answer all of your questions with drama and flair."
Step 1a: "Also! I will introduce twenty new questions at the same time!"
Step 2: "Just wait until next week! I will answer all of your questions!"

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Rake in fans.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The One Game

Christian: Yes. I am a fan of all things Command and Conquer. I will play it when ... when I find time to play it.

Me: Is that like saying, you'll find time to pray to a god other than God when you have time?

Christian: There really is only one game, isn't there.

Me: And to say otherwise would be against the founding tenets of our religion.

Christian: Speaking of which, don't we have to have a religious pilgrimage to the Holy Lands?

Me: South Korea?

Christian: Yes. Sit at the feet of masters, pray unto Mecca and receive their holy blessing, etc.

Me: We have other obligations in life that are more pressing.

Christian: These are the excuses of the weak and unworthy. What else could one accomplish in a lifetime.

Me: I dunno. The usual. Work, marriage, children.

Christian: Children can be outsourced. Catch up with modern times already.

Me: Fine. At least let's stop by Japan so we can hang around outside the Nintendo Headquarters for a bit.

Christian: Agreed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Link Wars


With this link, he has finally destroyed me.

I mean, the proverbial eye has been put out and what not.

Not that he is a better man than me, I do not concede him victory in that regard; but his incessant linkage has me at a loss.

Radically Free

Man, I worked in the field of free radical biology for a while, and everyone asked me what it was about all the time. On top of that, I hear tiny sound-bytes about free radicals whenever someone's trying to sell something with anti-oxidants in it. They're supposed to stop summarizing by saying "it prevents cancer" because that, of course, isn't strictly true, but they really do a bad job of dumbing it down without resorting to those words.

But, lo and behold, my hero Alton Brown has just given the shortest, most succint, and most beautiful explanation of free radicals ever, and it involved whipped cream and strawberries to boot.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

But... You Lost

I have never understood something about mascots. Well, to be honest, I've never really understood mascots in the first place. It's all well and good to name your team after something, but aren't some things far and away better than others?

I can forgive strange things, like Jazz, and Flyers. Those are strange, but they're still good words, and it's no crime to build a team around them. Besides, a lot of the best animals are taken. Even bad animals have been taken. Like Penguins, Frogs, Humpback Whales, and Ducks. Even Bruins. That's a sucky animal, isn't it? Though it's hard to come up with some sort of mascot for a team named Jazz, or Soul, these are at least on the fringes of 'acceptable' names.

I want to make a stand, though, against the Trojans. They lost. Not only did they lose, they lost shamefully, laid low by deceit and drunken revelry. Why name a team after them, and why, oh why, name a condom after them? The walls of Troy were breached, end of story.

The Titans? Good name, but they also lost out, and were locked up for the rest of eternity. The Mules? Let's not even go there.

And Lemmings. I'm serious, there's a college out there. And Nads. Where did you even come up with that?

You think I'm joking. Fine. http://www.smargon.net/nicknames/

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Next

Iron Chef was good, right? It wasn't just my crazed imagination and obsession with Japanese tv and food?

G4 brought over Sasuke, or Ninja Warrior, and isn't it flourishing on these shores? If America cannot find it in it's vast reality craze to do something like Ninja Warrior, then at least I know which show MUST be next in this line of subtitled and/or dubbed imports.

MLS! Starcraft tournaments are big and bad, and they seem exciting enough in Korean, a language I do not speak. If someone like G4 would be kind enough to sub some of this commentary, I, for one, would stay up late nights to watch some matches.