Monday, March 7, 2011

LoL: Soraka Files, Final (?)

This may be it for Soraka, folks. She's so good, at least to me. To my teammates, not so much. Early on, things were great for us, Soraka. We healed people and silenced enemies. In five-man teams, we went 8 and 0 in our first matches. But lately, it's looking more like 0 and 8.

It's not to say you don't have your utility. We haven't broken up completely, Soraka, not like me and Sona. But I'm just going to have to put you on the shelf for someone who does a little.... more.

So the Soraka Experiment is hereby over. Until you're called for again, Soraka. Specifically, when one of my super-carry friends needs a little extra babysitting and mana regeneration.