Wednesday, March 28, 2012

LoL: Lulu

Lulu.... is not good.

Sorry guys. I don't know what you want me to tell you. She's like Janna, in that she mitigates team fights and has no sustaining lane-presence, so unless you're a professional team that lives and dies by team fights only, she's not going to be the "normal people's" support champion. I also have not seen her successfully pulled off as an AP carry. I mean, let's take a look at her skills:

Q: Slow. Yup. It's a skillshot slow. That's.... it. It does some damage, but it's barely noticeable, and you have to get way too close to use it, putting yourself in way too much danger for a delicious squishy like Lulu (unless you send Pix to someone else and use it from there). Also, it takes maybe a fraction of a second too long to cast and the projectile itself moves surprisingly slowly, pretty much ensuring that it never lands on an enemy champ, even when you think it's going to.

W: Whimsy has two uses. On an ally, it makes them awesomely fast and gives them some amount of AP. This works out well if your buddy is chasing someone down and you can reach your own teammate to cast it on him, or if your buddy is running away from certain death. Whimsy on an enemy will turn them into a cute squirrel, unable to use skills or attack. This sounds positively awesome on paper, but in practice, it takes a moment for Whimsy to reach the enemy and turn them into a squirrel. That moment is usually enough delay for, say, an enemy Nautilus to get off that last spell that's going to kill your teammate.

E: Help, Pix! Sends your personal sprite to a teammate to shield them (briefly) and aid their attacks, or sends Pix to an enemy to "damage" them and provide you vision of them. I do just about zero damage with Pix, personally. It has good range, but not enough to keep you really safe while harassing. After all, if you use it to harass, you have nothing left to shield yourself with...

R: Lulu's ult is, like Janna's, a good way to manipulate team fights in your favor, or waste to save one teammate if an emergency arises. Like Janna's ult, if neither of those two situations presents themselves in your games, it goes unused and wasted.

And, Lulu's W and E skills have a range of 650. Compare that to Soraka's 750 on silence, and Soraka's silence is instantaneous to boot (not to mention free to cast). Stopping a Kat or Nunu channel instantly is super useful, but needing to run towards the Nunu and then wait for the little ball of light to reach him, that may not quite make it in time. So, overall, Lulu is great if you're a professional team and you're always getting into high-skill 5v5 team fights. Lulu will tip those scales in your favor. But if you're on some random team, or your friends are dropping the ball on tanking/carrying, Lulu's brand of "support" falls into the category of "morale support," or "standing around idly and looking cute."