Friday, July 12, 2013

LCS NA Summer W3 pt2

MLG doesn't have cameras on the players as they play, which I somehow miss a little bit, even though they never actually do anything interesting while they play (and Zuna is actually kinda alarmingly creepy while he plays).  Instead, they put a small square ad, and a square where they can keep live track of tweets in favor of each team.  What we may take away from this is that easily twice the number of people will watch the TSM game online as the other teams, which I did not know previously, thanks to my dedicated avoidance of the forums.

Vulcun vs Team Dignitas
[Vul bans: Kennen, Draven, Zed][Dig bans: Nunu, Twisted Fate, Elise]
Vul: Jayce, Jarvan, Lissandra, Caitlyn, Sona
Dig: Ryze, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Varus, Thresh
The real hype was for more Master Yi, of course, but it just didn't see the same success.  And may I compliment Kobe and Riv for their sweet coordination shirts, and Kobe's birthday.

Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud 9
[CLG bans: Zac, Thresh, Rumble][C9 bans: Jayce, Nunu, Tristana]
CLG: Kennen, Nasus, Twisted Fate, Vayne, Sona
C9: Ryze, Elise, Lissandra, Ezreal, Janna
Cloud 9 is NA's new Gambit?  Angered by their one loss suffered at the hands of CLG, they took it to them with no mercy.  CLG actually made a good game of it, but C9 finally closed the door.

Curse vs Team SoloMid
[Crs bans: Lissandra, Karthus, Kennen][TSM bans: Nunu, Twisted Fate, Orianna]
Crs: Elise, Jarvan, Jayce, Draven, Sona
TSM: Rumble, Nasus, Ryze, Caitlyn, Thresh
Interesting match, impressive come-back for Crs.

Team Coast vs Velocity Esports
[CST bans: Janna, Evelynn, Elise][VES bans: Nunu, Lissandra, Jayce]
CST: Riven, Jarvan, Ahri, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank
VES: Kennen, Lee Sin, Kayle, Draven, Zyra
Oh man, Daydreamin, that Blitzcrank is so good, I am forced to empathize with Evaniskus, who just got blown up every moment because of those amazing grabs. VES made a valiant comeback effort, but guys, you shouldn't have wasted that ban on Lissandra, who has never been as big of a threat as Blitz.

Vulcun vs Cloud 9
[Picks and bans not shown]
Vul: Jayce, Jarvan, Lissandra, Kog'Maw, Sona
C9: Kennen, Elise, Twisted Fate, Ezreal, Janna
Vulcun managed to win.  Almost managed to throw it away at the last second, but then managed to win.

Team Dignitas vs Velocity Esports
[Dig bans: Evelynn, Shen, Elise][VES bans: Zac, Jayce, Diana]
Dig: Twisted Fate, Nunu, Zed, Ezreal, Janna
VES: Kennen, Maokai, Kayle, Draven, Thresh
You know a champ needs nerfs when you ask scarra afterwards when he knew they'd win and he says "when they let us get Nunu".

Counter Logic Gaming vs Team SoloMid
[CLG bans: Thresh, Caitlyn, Lissandra][TSM bans: Nunu, Twisted Fate, Jayce]
CLG: Elise, Nocturne, Zed, Urgot, Janna
TSM: Kennen, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Varus, Sona
They signed off in the previous vid, but this one's at the end, so.  This is NA's classic matchup, the best we've got, even though CLG is basically a new team.  And it did not disappoint in that regard.  It went nearly 60 minutes, and you know that's good because no one can just stomp the other.

C9 8-2
CLG 6-4
Vul 6-4
CST 5-5
Dig 5-5
TSM 4-6
Crs 4-6
VES 2-8