Thursday, July 11, 2013

LCS NA Summer W2

Week 2 in the NA LCS Summer Split.  I didn't say last week, but the changes to CLG has made the entire team look like the same medium-small asian dude from a distance, aside from Nientonsoh.  I'd also like to reiterate here my idea for exhibition matches every week.  Maybe team captain can draw a paper out of a hat with a silly restriction: all ninjas, all champs that begin with the letter S, all yordles, all Demacian.  Some Dominion, maybe.

Cloud 9 vs Counter Logic Gaming
[C9 bans: Karthus, Nunu, Twisted Fate][CLG bans: Zac, Thresh, Rumble]
C9: Kennen, Lee Sin, Zed, Ezreal, Lulu
CLG: Jayce, Elise, Orianna, Tristana, Janna
CLG, as we've said before, is just the best players, shoved into whatever roles were available.  Occasionally this is total chaos, and in other situations, they are just fine despite that.  There were several obvious mistakes (they sat around in the baron pit waiting for it to respawn a minute early due to miscalculation) but they managed a win.  It makes you wonder, though.  Why force bigfatlp to jungle?  Kobe is sitting right there.

Team SoloMid vs Velocity Esports
[TSM bans: Draven, Thresh, Kennen][VES bans: Elise, Jayce, Kha'Zix]
TSM: Shen, Zac, Karthus, Caitlyn, Sona
VES: Vladimir, Master Yi, Orianna, Varus, Lissandra
Everyone was excited for AP jungle Yi, but no, TSM zz-roll from level 1. The only excitement was a pause from TSM because apparently a spider landed on Reggie.  Not Elise, a real spider.  And they chased it around for a while, while Phreak made a million crazy jokes about champ abilities like "Smite it!" etc.  Afterwards, Jatt interviews Theoddone and his brother maplestreet form VES (the interview cam has been total fail this summer) and if you thought theoddone was the smallest, most rag-doll-looking asian kid ever, then maplestreet will prove there's always an even smaller asian out there somewhere.

Vulcun vs Curse
[Vul bans: Tryndamere, Blitzcrank, Nunu][Crs ban: Ryze, Thresh, Twisted Fate]
Vul: Kennen, Lee Sin, Jayce, Tristana, Sona
Crs: Elise, Jarvan, Malphite, Draven, Leona
Reginald's earlier interview where he flat out said that Crs is full of not-good players is starting to have the dire ring of truth. Vulcun just rolls over them like a truck.

Team Coast vs Team Dignitas
[CST bans: Zac, Diana, Karthus][Dig bans: Nunu, Riven, Caitlyn]
CST: Rumble, Elise, Jayce, Ezreal, Blitzcrank
Dig: Twisted Fate, Lee Sin, Zed, Draven, Thresh
Kiwikid is playing TF mid, while scarra is taking Zed top.  Not sure why.  OMG! Is it specifically illegal to _switch seats_ in a LAN tournament?!  Amazing idea, guys.

Cloud 9 vs Vulcun
[C9 bans: Karthus, Caitlyn, Tristana][Vul bans: Zac, Zed, Jayce]
C9: Rumble, Nasus, Kennen, Draven, Thresh
Vul: Elise, Lee Sin, Twisted Fate, Kog'Maw, Janna
Well, that's one of the rare times we've seen the TF lose.  If I had to say why, I'd say it was because C9's play style is exactly what counters Vulcun's lineup - they aggressively dive all the time, going for Mancloud and Zuna before any disengage or counter can happen.

Team SoloMid vs Counter Logic Gaming
[TSM bans: Nunu, Elise, Shen][CLG bans: Draven, Zac, Ryze]
TSM: Jayce, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Ezreal, Thresh
CLG: Malphite, Nocturne, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Lulu
It was probably more in favor of TSM than it should have been, since at one point, CLG was up in kills 19-9, yet on their back foot inside their own base.  The game is good, though, especially the end is worth watching.  It always looks like CLG has to scrap for every win, even when they have more gold and kills.  Way to go, Link.  Impressive game.

Velocity Esports vs Team Coast
[VES bans: Fiddlesticks, Jayce, Nunu][CST bans: Janna, Kennen, Elise]
VES: Zed, Nasus, Xerath, Varus, Thresh
CST: Riven, Jarven, Lissandra, Draven, Nami
Boom, goes VES when they gather up in baron pit and CST lands on them hard.

Curse vs Team Dignitas
[Crs bans: Diana, Zac, Kennen][Dig bans: Nunu, Thresh, Twisted Fate]
Crs: Shen, Nocturne, Karthus, Ezreal, Leona
Dig: Jayce, Lee Sin, Evelynn, Draven, Blitzcrank
Woah, dig.  What's going on with you.

C9 6-1
CLG 4-3
CST 4-3
TSM 4-3
Vul 4-3
Dig 3-4
Crs 2-5
VES 1-6