Monday, June 24, 2013

LCS NA Summer W1 pt1

New season has begun, and several things happened over the break.  Highlights include: HotshotGG stepping down from CLG, Edward joining Curse from Gambit, GGU changing their name to Team Coast, and Quantic changing their name to Cloud 9.

Team Coast vs Team SoloMid
[CST bans: Ryze, Kennen, Karthus][TSM bans: Jayce, Lee Sin, Trundle]
CST: Vladimir, Nunu, Zed, Twitch, Nami
TSM: Shen, Elise, Kha'Zix, Draven, Thresh
TSM zzz-rolll

Curse vs Vulcun
[Crs bans: Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Thresh][Vul bans: Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Twisted Fate]
Crs: Jayce, Trundle, Lux, Ezreal, Zyra
Vul: Kennen, Sejuani, Ryze, Caitlyn, Sona
Vulcun roll, Saint was being a little weird at the end.  Notice I've given up on the 'command' part of 'vulcun command', because they've officially added some kind of product name to their name instead.  It's a lot less majestic than 'command,' if you ask me.

Team Dignitas vs Cloud 9
[Dig bans: Twisted Fate, Kha'Zix, Kennen][C9 bans: Evelynn, Karthus, Ryze]
Dig: Jayce, Zac, Orianna, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank
C9: Elise, Nasus, Zed, Draven, Thresh
Nice, C9.

Counter Logic Gaming vs Velocity Esports
[CLG bans: Elise, Kha'Zix, Shen][VES bans: Malphite, Twisted Fate, Jayce]
CLG: Vladimir, Sejuani, Orianna, Twitch, Thresh
VES: Kennen, Lee Sin, Kayle, Draven, Zyra
WTF, CLG.  Nientonsoh top lane, Bigfatlp in the jungle, Chauster on support?  You just can't do this and want to win.

Team SoloMid vs Cloud 9
[TSM bans: Twisted Fate, Thresh, Jayce][C9 bans: Karthus, Shen, Kha'Zix]
TSM: Renekton, Elise, Orianna, Ezreal, Sona
C9: Ryze, Zac, Kennen, Draven, Lulu
This one was worth watching.  And you can tell, by the way it has twice as many views on youtube as other game clips.  A fine display of team fight mechanics all around.

Team Coast vs Vulcun
[CST bans: Kennen, Lee Sin, Ryze][Vul bans: Blitzcrank, Jayce, Kha'Zix]
CST: Riven, Fiddlesticks, Zed, Ezreal, Thresh
Vul: Elise, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Caitlyn, Sona
All ZionSpartan, as usual.  And don't forget surprise party Fiddlesticks!

Curse vs Velocity Esports
[Crs bans: Draven, Evelynn, Elise][VES bans: Ryze, Kha'Zix, Kennen]
Crs: Tryndamere, Nautilus, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank
VES: Jayce, Lee Sin, Kayle, Varus, Thresh
Crs has perhaps the five most frustrating champs ever.  You know what I mean, those are the five guys where you think the fight is over, and you're just about to relax when bam!

Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Dignitas
[CLG bans: Ryze, Kha'Zix, Evelynn][Dig bans: Twisted Fate, Hayce, Sejuani]
CLG: Elise, Nocturne, Karthus, Graves, Janna
Dig: Kennen, Zac, Diana, Varus, Sona
Wow. 71 minutes.  If you have 71 minutes to kill, I recommend it, because LoL games are always sudden death at 35 minutes, so there's about 35 minutes of sudden death.  And they don't just sit around and look at each other, either.  There's 30-something deaths on each team.

Cloud 9 vs Curse
[C9 bans: Tryndamere, Karthus, Thresh][Crs bans: Jayce, Ryze, Kennen]
C9: Rumble, Zac, Kha'Zix, Ezreal, Sona
Crs: Elise, Maokai, Twisted Fate, Draven, Blitzcrank
The question that haunted me during this game is: why is Nyjacky wearing that huge hood?  Like he's a tiny Emperor - and then you recall that he usually plays Ryze, hahah.  Well it's your downfall, Sith Lord - Cloud 9 always wears white jackets.