Tuesday, June 11, 2013

LCS EU W10 pt2

Week 10, continued from the midway point.

Evil Geniuses vs Gambit Gaming
[EG bans: Kha'Zix, Nasus, Elise][GG bans: Twisted Fate, Jarvan, Nautilus]
EG: Zed, Volibear, Anivia, Varus, Thresh
GG: Jayce, Evelyn, Nunu, Miss Fortune, Sona
Another Nunu against Wickd?  It's just cruelty, now.  And no more LeBlanc for Froggen?  I guess her passive is largely useless against pro players, or something.  AlexIch took his Nunu top against Wickd, and just wasn't as effective as Soaz.  It's alright - GG was mostly just messing around: they took baron three minutes after he was available, among other nonsense.  They have nothing left to play for, having clinched top 2.

Fnatic vs Copenhagen Wolves
[Fnatic bans: Jarvan, Thresh, Kassadin][CW bans: Elise, Zed, Blitzcrank]
Fnatic: Kha'Zix, Nocturne, Ahri, Twitch, Leona
CW: Shen, Nasus, Twisted Fate, Varus, Zyra
CW got TF and Shen!  Too much global to contend with!  Fnatic would make a half-move, and then Twisted Fate would be there, with Shen on his heels.

Dragonborns vs Fnatic
[DB bans: Twisted Fate, Zed, Shen][Fnatic bans: Draven, Lux, Thresh]
DB: Kennen, Jarvan, Kayle, Miss Fortune, Elise
Fnatic: Nunu, Nasus, Kha'Zix, Twitch, Zyra
Sigh, DB

Gambit Gaming vs Against All Authority
[GG bans: Jarvan, Ezreal, Shen][aAa bans: Thresh, Kha'Zix, Twisted Fate]
GG: Rumble, Nasus, Kassadin, Miss Fortune, Sona
aAa: Renekton, Nautilus, Karthus, Tristana, Elise
Aw, man, aAa, you were ahead for a while there.

SK Gaming vs Giants
[SK bans: Kennen, Kassadin, Volibear][Giants bans: Jarvan, Nasus, Shen]
SK: Rumble, Pantheon, Twisted Fate, Varus, Lulu
Giants: Kha'Zix, Elise, Cassiopeia, Ashe, Thresh
I looked up one moment and the kill score was 9-9.  At the end it was 42-22 (!)  That's like the last ARAM I played.

Evil Geniuses vs Copenhagen Wolves
[EG bans: Jarvan, Kha'Zix, Kassadin][CW bans: Anivia, Thresh, Zed]
EG: Rumble, Nasus, Twisted Fate, Miss Fortune, Leona
CW: Shen, Xin Zhao, Syndra, Varus, Lulu
CW had something going early, but Wickd's Rumble is surprisingly handy.

Giants vs Fnatic
[Giants bans: Nasus, Shen, Nunu][Fnatic bans: Kennen, Elise, Twisted Fate]
Giants: Irelia, Jarvan, Diana, Caitlyn, Zyra
Fnatic: Zed, Voliebear, Ahri, Twitch, Thresh
Getting down there in the matches that don't matter...

Copenhagen Wolves vs Gambit Gaming
[CW bans: Shen, Elise, Thresh][GG bans: Jarvan, Kha'Zix, Twisted Fate]
CW: Singed, Cho'Gate, Zed, Varus, Zyra
GG: Renekton, Nasus, Karthus, Miss Fortune, Sona
Nice match, CW!  Or, Alex had nothing to play for...

Against All Authority vs Dragonborns
[aAa bans: Kha'Zix, Kayle, Zed][DB bans: Shen, Karthus, Elise]
aAa: Renekton, Nasus, Morgana, Ezreal, Thresh
DB: Riven, Jarvan, Maokai, Draven, Nunu
I guess aAa didn't have anything to play for, because they let Hosan have Draven, and the win to go along with it.

Evil Geniuses vs SK Gaming
[EG bans: Jarvan, Kassadin, Rumble][SK bans: Anivia, Twisted Fate, Lux]
EG: Renekton, Malphite, Zed, Varus, Thresh
SK: Shen, Nasus, Kayle, Ashe, Elise
Solid game out of EG, if largely unexciting.

Fnatic 22-6
GG 21-7
SK 17-11
EG 15-13
CW 13-15
aAa 10-18
Giants 8-20
DB 6-22