Tuesday, April 9, 2013

LCS EU Qualifiers, Day 1 Group B

Alright, I found Day 1.  And this is Group B for "Blitzcrank"

LoLPro vs DragonBorns (0:22:00)
---LP bans: Jayce, Kha'Zix, Lee Sin---DB bans: Twisted Fate, Amumu, Panthon---
LP: Evelynn, Shen, Ryze, Miss Fortune, Lulu
DB: Xin Zhao, Olaf, Kayle, Draven, Zyra
LoLPro is apparently the re-named Curse.eu: all the EU versions of NA teams have been rebranded, and I'll mention it where I hear it (I fast forward through tons of commentator time-fill).  And, of course, DragonBorns is Shushei's new team.  Despite LoLPro being favored, DB runs them over with a truck.  Their top laner, Spontexx, is a monster.

Team Acer vs Millenium (1:25:00)
---Acer bans: Kha'Zix, Evelynn, Kayle---M bans: Elise, Olaf, Shen---
Acer: Rumble, Lee Sin, Karthus, Varus, Zyra
M: Jax, Amumu, Wukong, Miss Fortune, Lulu
How is this Wukong keeping up with a Karthus mid? Pretty impressive Wukong play, overall, coupled with overpowering MF means win for Millenium.

Team LoLPro vs Team Acer (2:15:00)
---LP bans: Kha'Zix, Elise, Xin Zhao---Acer bans: Evelynn, Kayle, Amumu---
LP: Olaf, Malphite, Master Yi, Caitlyn, Lulu
Acer: Shen, Lee Sin, Fiddlesticks, Draven, Nunu
LoLPro initiating all kinds of lane switching, looks like it's an effort to keep the Fid from becoming a problem, but Fid just puts points into Dark Wind.  Fid ult and Shen ult, why have I never thought of that?!  Both teams playing it pretty safe, I think this is an elimination game, but LoLPro's team comp didn't seem to match up well against Acer. And sadly, no awesome Yi play to report. Whatever the case, these favorites are done.

DragonBorns vs Millenium (3:08:00)
---DB bans: Amumu, Lee Sin, Wukong---M bans: Evelynn, Olaf, Elise---
DB: Darius, Xin Zhao, Kayle, Jayce, Soraka
M: Jax, Kha'Zix, Yorick, Ezreal, Zyra
Deman and Phreak mention during bans that Ocelot is manning their camera. Wha?  I'm not sure how Yorick was contributing, but Ezreal was becoming too high-damage for DB's lineup at the end.

Team Acer vs DragonBorns (3:57:00)
--Acer bans: Evelynn, Kayle, Jayce---DB bans: Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Amumu---
Acer: Shen, Dr. Mundo, Gragas, Ezreal, Nunu
DB: Xin Zhao, Olaf, Vi, Draven, Taric
Acer is doing some strangeness with lane swapping, but they are listed in the same theoretical order: top bruiser, jungler, APC, ADC, support.  You know DB is the team of the people when all five members dive the fountain to get their carry the pentakill.  Didn't quite make it, but it was pretty funny.

1) Millenium (2-0)
2) DragonBorns (2-1)
3) Team Acer (1-2)
4) LoLPro (0-2)

And that's all for the first group, but the video continues to show "Group Cho'gath," so I'll list them here before going on to a new post.

TCM Gaming vs Against All Authority (4:51:00)
---They cut to this group, so bans weren't shown---
TCM: Rumble, Amumu, Kayle, Miss Fortune, Zyra
aAa: Elise, Shen, Kha'Zix, Ezreal, Sona
Mostly uninteresting snowball by aAa from beginning to end.

Copenhagen Wolves vs TCM Gaming (5:36:00)
---CW bans: Fiddlesticks, Wukong, Amumu---TCM bans Elise, Evelynn, Lee Sin---
Wolves: Kha'Zix, Cho'gath, Kayle, Ezreal, Zyra
TCM: Olaf, Shen, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Nunu
And the video cuts partway through the game?  Time to move to a new vod.