Thursday, April 11, 2013

LCS EU Qualifiers Day 1, Group A

Group A for "Ashe"

Fnatic vs Anexis (0:00)
---Didn't see bans---
Fnatic: Shen, Olaf, Wukong, Caitlyn, Lulu
Anexis: Rumble, Amumu, Karthus, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank
Anexis had a plenty good plan, look at their line-up: Rumble ult, Amumu ult, Miss Fortune ult, Karthus defile, Blitzcrank cc.  Too bad that plan went up against Fnatic?  Fnatic just stomped all over their faces in a miserable roll.

Giants vs Alternate (0:39:00)
---Giants bans: Ahri, Lee Sin, Twisted Fate---ATN bans: Kassadin, Elise, Olaf---
Giants: Katarina, Dr. Mundo, Ryze, Kennen, Zyra
ATN: Jayce, Cho'gath, Nidalee, Ezreal, Lulu
Huzzah for more interesting matchups.  And, there is a ton of lane switching going on.  But, after all this early action, ATN suddenly decides they can win the game without ever engaging the other team ever again.  This stalls the game for a really, really long time, and only at the end does it start to get ridiculous.  And I mean ridiculous.  Finally, just before the hour mark, Giants manages the knock out punch.

Alternate vs Anexis (2:01:00)
---ATN bans: Kayle, Amumu, Urgot---Anexis bans: Olaf, Ahri, Twisted Fate---
ATN: Shen, Lee Sin, Orianna, Caitlyn, Lulu
Anexis: Evelynn, Kha'Zix, Anivia, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank
ATN's comp looks like "protect the super-carry," and Anexis's comp seems to be more "we are squishy."

Fnatic vs Giants (2:57:00)
---Fnatic bans: Kennen, Twisted Fate, Kassadin---Giants bans: Evelynn, Kha'Zix, Blitzcrank---
Fnatic: Lee Sin, Olaf, Lux, Caitlyn, Lulu
Giants: Wukong, Elise, Ryze, Ashe, Nunu
Woohoo, an Ashe!  Played by the same nutty guy who played the Kennen earlier.  Fnatic seems to be playing the same kind of semi-troll game that Alternate was playing, where they go for wave-clearing and tower-pushing instead of team fighting.  Early on, they gain heavy advantage by pushing early towers, but Giants quickly start killing off Fnatic where-ever they can find them and pushing lanes back.  Good upset.

Alternate vs Fnatic (3:53:00)
---ATN bans: Kha'Zix, Elise, Shen---Fnatic bans: Twisted Fate, Olaf, Evelynn---
ATN: Urgot, Lee Sin, Ahri, Caitlyn, Sona
Fnatic: Nidalee, Nunu, Kassadin, Kog'Maw, Zyra
These are the two teams that used the tower-push philosophy in their games, and only Fnatic seemed to learn that this method doesn't work.  Just as in their previous game, Fnatic saw a ton of their towers fall before finally being able to repeatedly kill ATN.

1) Giants (2-0)
2) Fnatic (2-1)
3) Alternate (1-2)
4) Anexis (0-2)