Friday, June 10, 2011

Today: Spin Positively

Debriefing from Get Back to Work: Did I say one limb at a time, back into a cold pool? Did I mention the part where I keep getting in until I'm drowned and dead? Alright, that's enough drama, I suppose.


Alright I'm done now.

Today, I'm going to Spin Positively.

Not that I like egomaniacs as people (remember we talked some about this before, I've decided to name these people "Egotestostical" - like it?) but you've got to hand it to them, they don't let little things like interpersonal on-the-job conflicts get them down. Nothing gets to them, and as that's one of our yet-to-be-attained goals, let's try to break it down some and adopt at least some of their practices for ourselves.

Now, the first ability we want for ourselves (I like to imagine me as the Prototype character for this) is the power to believe things are not personal. The egotestostical way to do this, it seems, is first, to believe you're so much better than everyone else, that the complaints and criticisms of others fall under the category of "white noise" or "meaningless quibbles from the lesser beings". Not having the gift of such monumental self-esteem, we may start by simply increasing our Optimism Quotient to the point where we believe everyone means well, and perceived insults and undermining behavior are results of their own insecurities and lack of empathy/perception/politeness to be aware of jerk behaviors.

This method does fall short when behaviors are actually undermining, however, so that will be something to watch out for. But, what it comes down to, is that we're going to have to believe that we are good enough at our jobs, and that everyone above us is good enough at their job to notice that we are, even if no one's saying it.

I will absolutely try to talk about something besides work, sorry to be such a downer every post. Someday soon. When I am not here every hour of the week...