Sunday, April 22, 2007

The One Game

Christian: Yes. I am a fan of all things Command and Conquer. I will play it when ... when I find time to play it.

Me: Is that like saying, you'll find time to pray to a god other than God when you have time?

Christian: There really is only one game, isn't there.

Me: And to say otherwise would be against the founding tenets of our religion.

Christian: Speaking of which, don't we have to have a religious pilgrimage to the Holy Lands?

Me: South Korea?

Christian: Yes. Sit at the feet of masters, pray unto Mecca and receive their holy blessing, etc.

Me: We have other obligations in life that are more pressing.

Christian: These are the excuses of the weak and unworthy. What else could one accomplish in a lifetime.

Me: I dunno. The usual. Work, marriage, children.

Christian: Children can be outsourced. Catch up with modern times already.

Me: Fine. At least let's stop by Japan so we can hang around outside the Nintendo Headquarters for a bit.

Christian: Agreed.