Summer promotion tournament in the EU on youtube is going to have to be just summaries, because I'm far enough behind as it is, and anyway, not all the videos are on this youtube list. Maybe they're lurking somewhere else, but these games are all best of fives - too long!
Giants vs Alternate
Giants took a 2-0 game lead before Alternate got it together and won the next three in a row. Congratulations new EU LCS team Alternate, and goodbye for now, Giants. Apparently it was an exciting five games, but they're not here in this youtube list.
Against All Authority vs Sinners Never Sleep
Wow, sad meltdown by aAa, and the commentators are mostly at a loss on how to describe it. SNS wrecks them in three games straight.
Copenhagen Wolves vs Samurai in Jeans
CW is actually a super strong team, but their record was hampered by those first games that they were forced to play without Bjergsen. They show the new team how it's done in four games.
Dragonborns vs Meet Your Makers
Naturally this one goes to five games, just for the stress factor. MYM just eliminates Lux in all the games, and manages despite Hosan on Draven.
And let me just squeeze in the summer promotion in the NA, just to wrap that up.
Complexity vs Quantic
The NA challenge teams are full of familiar handles, moreso than the EU challengers. I wonder if that was about the last tournament taking place during college finals. Quantic sweeps coL and emphatically replaces them.
Team MRN vs Velocity
Velocity has a strange comp where they run two ADs and two supports and a jungle Ez? True to their name, MRN once again MRNs a team: there's a magnificent backdoor in the truest sense. That's no base race, is what I mean. But MRN's scrappy comebacks draw to a sad close, and they are replaced by Velocity.
Team Dignitas vs Team Summon
Sorry Team Summon, dig is still legit.
Counter Logic Gaming vs Azure Cats
What a coincidence, BigFat going up against HotShot to get into the league. But HotShot has more talent on his team. I'm usually a little down on Aphromoo, but he landed some good pulls as blitzcrank in that second game.