Week 10, continued from here. If I have not mentioned it yet, NA has a new toy recently: a picture in picture of live action, which they squeeze into the bottom left corner when split pushes and base races happen. Sweet!
Dignitas vs Curse
[d bans: Jarvan, Miss Fortune, Thresh][Crs bans: Diana, Shen, Gragas]
d: Singed, Volibear, Evelynn, Caitlyn, Zyra
Crs: Renekton, Nasus, Karthus, Ashe, Sona
Another Ashe, but it works less well when your arrows miss, etc.
Counter Logic Gaming vs Vulcun Command
[CLG bans: Karthus, Nasus, Diana][VC bans: Vayne, Malphite, Twisted Fate]
CLG: Shen, Amumu, Lux, Tristana, Sona
VC: Renekton, Jarvan, Ryze, Twitch, Lulu
This was all really even until CLG managed a late baron that seemed to make the difference?
Team MRN vs Counter Logic Gaming
[MRN bans: Cho'Gath, Nidalee, Shen][CLG bans: Renekton, Riven, Malphite]
MRN: Irelia, Jarvan, Twisted Fate, Tristana, Thresh
CLG: Jax, Amumu, Ahri, Vayne, Sona
That was the biggest comeback I've ever seen, amateur or professional. I was really hoping for an unstoppable Jax from HotshotGG.
Curse vs Complexity
[Crs bans: Zed, Jayce, Shen][coL bans: Volibear, Thresh, Jarvan]
Crs: Gragas, Udyr, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Lulu
coL: Darius, Amumu, Kha'Zix, Miss Fortune, Kayle
Wow, complexity is really on a roll. Or PEDs.
Team SoloMid vs Good Game University
[TSM bans: Riven, Elise, Thresh][GGU bans: Renekton, Draven, did not ban third]
TSM: Shen, Nocturne, Karthus, Varus, Sona
GGU: Jayce, Nasus, Lux, Caitlyn, Janna
GGU lost their first ban because they tend to chat about their strategy during pauses. It's a natural thing to want to do, but the commentators are clear the they had been warned at least once and continued to ignore the rule. There you go, GGU, now TSM has a very global team and makes you look like rookies again.
Dignitas vs Vulcun Command
[d bans: Jarvan, Karthus, Thresh][VC bans: Diana, Caitlyn, Shen]
d: Renekton, Volibear, Gragas, Draven, Alistar
VC: Malphite, Nasus, Cassiopeia, Tristana, Sona
Odd game, another close ending / comeback win, if that's what you want to watch. Dignitas was pretty solidly in control early game, and VC somehow managed. Later, I want to go back and check if all the 'comeback' games have involved Tristana...
Good Game University vs Counter Logic Gaming
[GGU bans: Malphite, Cho'Gath, Shen][CLG bans: Twitch, Karthus, Thresh]
GGU: Jayce, Elise, Ryze, Tristana, Yorick
CLG: Udyr, Jarvan, Orianna, Ezreal, Lulu
Support Yorick?! This is one of those times that I can agree with (I think it was) pr0lly's theory that people are bad against champs that they don't remember. I'm always bad against Yorick, because I never played him, and I'm always surprised by his abilities and how they do so much damage and slow.
Dignitas vs Team SoloMid
[d bans: Thresh, Malphite, Karthus][TSM bans: Gragas, Diana, Shen]
d: Zed, Nasus, Katarina, Draven, Alistar
TSM: Renekton, Cho'Gath, Twisted Fate, Miss Fortune, Sona
I was excited to see scarra back on Katarina, but nope, he does not really get a chance to do either thing that she does: split push, or dive in and kill all. Not that I've seen a Katarina in a high level manage to do some 1v5ing, but one can always dream.
Complexity vs Team MRN
[coL bans: Renekton, Malphite, Jarvan][MRN bans: Kha'Zix, Zed, Amumu]
coL: Jayce, Nasus, Gragas, Caitlyn, Thresh
MRN: Riven, Shen, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Sona
Not such a roll now, coL. A level 1 fight in the jungle puts them far enough behind that there was no catching up, especially when MRN had TF and Shen. Afterwards, in an interview with ClakeyD, he tells us that they knew where coL would be level 1 because they had seen them execute a sneaky pull with Thresh before.
Vulcun Command vs Curse
[VC bans: Miss Fortune, Volibear, Kassadin][Crs bans: Shen, Thresh, Renekton]
VC: Zed, Xerath, Draven, Udyr, Sona
Crs: Nunu, Fizz, Tristana, Ezreal, Elise
Yes, you read those champ picks right. The commentators were saying something about the match being meaningless for Curse's standings. If they mentioned it was also meaningless for VC, I missed it. I hope so, because they've switched up roles? The champs are listed in order of the player's usual role, but Zed on Sycho Sid ran with smite, and Zuna was on Udyr in the top lane.
TSM 21-7
Crs 19-9
dig 17-11
CLG 13-15
VC 12-16
GGU 11-17
MRN 10-18
coL 9-19