SK Gaming vs Evil Geniuses, Game 1
[SK bans: Anivia, Zed, Varus][EG bans: Jarvan, Nasus, Rumble]
SK: Renekton, Volibear, Twisted Fate, Ezreal, Elise
EG: Zac, Shen, Kassadin, Miss Fortune, Thresh
SK had mentioned that they 'had something planned for EG,' and maybe this was it: a level 1 tower dive on the Shen that manages to kill him off, and then a crazy escape from the rest of the team. One of the commentators used the term "hyrqBot on Voli-BEAR-ly got away from that fight alive," and I hope the other commentator smacked his face on the desk. Anyway, it's a good game, objectives are defended and fights are frequent. But, as with all games that EG wins, it's pretty long.
SK Gaming vs Evil Geniuses, Game 2
[EG bans: Jarvan, Rumble, Kassadin][SK bans: Anivia, Zac, Twisted Fate]
EG: Zed, Nasus, Lux, Miss Fortune, Thresh
SK: Renekton, Shen, Orianna, Varus, Elise
Another level 1 fight, another one kill pickup for SK. Zed is significantly less visually exciting than Zac, but oh well. Also, Wickd bought a mana pot by accident, so you know. Keep that in mind: everyone can make mistakes! Speaking of which, poor Ocelot, who brought his whole family to spectate live in studio.
Fnatic vs Gambit Gaming, Game 1
[Fnatic bans: Thresh, Shen, Kha'Zix][GG bans: Leona, Twisted Fate, Nasus]
Fnatic: Rumble, Jarvan, Kennen, Varus, Zyra
GG: Elise, Zac, Zed, Miss Fortune, Sona
Fairly exciting, and during team fights, the circles on the ground are bigger than ever.
Fnatic vs Gambit Gaming, Game 2
[GG bans: Leona, Nasus, Twisted Fate][Fnatic bans: Thresh, Shen, Zac]
GG: Elise, Amumu, Kha'Zix, Miss Fortune, Sona
Fnatic: Zed, Jarvan, Ahri, Varus, Lulu
Fnatic look especially awesome, but that might be because they are winning it against GG. Especially a GG that has Alex on Kha'Zix
Fnatic vs Gambit Gaming, Game 3
[Fnatic bans: Thresh, Shen, Zac][GG bans: Leona, Twisted Fate, Kha'Zix]
Fnatic: Jayce, Jarvan, Kennen, Varus, Lulu
GG: Rumble, Evelynn, Zed, Miss Fortune, Elise
GG is like a steamroller: you can beat it, but you'd best not stumble during this race.
Fnatic vs Gambit Gaming, Game 4
[GG bans: Leona, Nasus, Twisted Fate][Fnatic bans: Thresh, Shen, Zed]
GG: Malphite, Jarvan, Zac, Varus, Lulu
Fnatic: Elise, Volibear, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw, Janna
It's 2-1 in favor of GG at this point, if it has not been clear. The red team (second team listed in my notation) has won every game so far. I hope they talk later about what they were thinking about during picks and bans, because those are two semi-unusual APCs. AlexIch is top lane with a Zac against Soaz on Elise, and xPeke is bot against Darian on Malphite. And look at how much knock-up there is on GG! There's a surprising amount of early aggression and a few deaths - I think each team realizes how precious each death is. Hurray for tons of action LoL games! Let's hope it's a new meta!
Fnatic vs Gambit Gaming, Game 5
[Fnatic bans: Thresh, Shen, Zac][GG bans: Leona, Twisted Fate, Kha'Zix]
Fnatic: Rumble, Jarvan, Zed, Twitch, Janna
GG: Elise, Nasus, Diana, Varus, Sona
One last game to rule them all. And what can I say about it? This is some high level play. Krepo speculates that the Diana pick into the Zed lane was the cause for loss, but I'm going to assume that after five super-long games, GG was just too tired. Alex (of course) looks royally pissed afterwards, but cheer up, Alex! Here's some ideas for next season:
- Work on long-term endurance (don't overdo it, remember!)
- Put Redbull/coffee/Gatorade in those waterbottles you have under your desks
- Petition Riot for no more best of 5s
- At least ask for best of 5s that don't happen on one day
Something else to consider, before we wrap on EU: Right at the end, when Fnatic took the final nexus, they burst out of their chairs cheering and clapping and hugging. GG came over, disappointed and grim, but applauding with a lot of class (they're some of the older, more mature players in the league). But where was Sjokz (sp?), huhn, Xian!??!?! They all just awkwardly stood there, glad team and glum team, just looking at one another for a long time.
1st place: Fnatic ($50,000)
2nd place: GG ($25,000)
3rd place: EG ($15,000)
4th place: SK ($10,000)