NA playoffs, Day 1. Maybe break it into three parts for ease of viewing.
Team Dignitas vs Good Game University, Game 1
[d bans: Jayce, Thresh, Caitlyn][GGU bans: Diana, Gragas, Shen]
d: Zac, Lee Sin, Twisted Fate, Draven, Sona
GGU: Riven, Elise, Karthus, Ezreal, Blitzcrank
If I haven't informed you before, we're now rooting for GGU, and scarra is no longer my hero. Sorry, scarra. Crumbz is still cool, but scarra runs away a lot more than he used to, in my memory, at least. And Daydreaming's hooks are legendary. Also, pr0lly joined the analysis desk, and he is pretty funny.
Team Dignitas vs Good Game University, Game 2
[GGU bans: Diana, Gragas, Shen][d bans: Thresh, Caitlyn, Twisted Fate]
GGU: Kha'Zix, Elise, Ryze, Tristana, Yorick
d: Renekton, Nasus, Karthus, Ezreal, Zyra
GGU trolled a bit and showed Teemo in champ select for a while, but Phreak didn't freak out! The world is a place of change, my friends. Ugh, Yorick support. And as if scarra took offense to our lack of support in the last game, he comes out with a very solid Karthus.
Team Dignitas vs Good Game University, Game 3
[d bans: Caitlyn, Thresh, Twisted Fate][GGU bans: Diana, Gragas, Shen]
d: Renekton, Jarvan, Karthus, Ezreal, Janna
GGU: Jayce, Nasus, Orianna, Twitch, Lulu
Sorry I haven't been giving a very thorough play by play. These games haven't been too interesting. Even this one is 3-3 in kills at 22 minutes. Jatt (I think that's him) gives a good description and slow-down look at some of the best fights in the following video. Except for the perfectly executed baron steal by GGU, take a look at that if you have time. If not, let me paint a sprite picture: 4 digs on baron, 3 GGU's hovering outside the pit, Janna trying to push them away with tornados. At the very last second, in goes Nasus with his ult, just as he's in the middle of everyone, Lulu ults him, pops all of dig into the air, Orianna shockwaves them as they come down, during all the confusion, Nasus grabs baron.
Counter Logic Gaming vs Vulcun Command, Game 1
[CLG bans: Renekton, Nasus, Jayce][VC bans: Lux, Shen, Twisted Fate]
CLG: Malphite, Lee Sin, Orianna, Vayne, Sona
VC: Irelia, Jarvan, Karthus, Tristana, Thresh
Where did the 'command' part of Vulcun go in all the official stuff? Well, I liked it, I'm keeping it. I've previously discussed how everyone knows that CLG has one meta: Protect the Doublelift, and how different teams have found different ways of defeating it. Some teams split push, and teams like VC just sit on Doublelift's lane with three people and crap all over his creeping attempts. It is tragic to watch - CLG can't even defend him under his own tower.
Counter Logic Gaming vs Vulcun Command, Game 2
[VC bans: Lux, Amumu, Twisted Fate][CLG bans: Jayce, Renekton, Nasus]
VC: Shen, Lee Sin, Karthus, Tristana, Sona
CLG: Malphite, Jarvan, Orianna, Twitch, Thresh
It seems to me that most of the time when CLG looks good, it's because Link, not Doublelift, becomes powerful. It's all about confidence, Link! Get out there and carry!
Counter Logic Gaming vs Vulcun Command, Game 3
[CLG bans: Renekton, Nasus, Jayce][VC bans: Lux, Shen, Twisted Fate]
CLG: Malphite, Volibear, Orianna, Twitch, Thresh
VC: Irelia, Jarvan, Diana, Tristana, Sona
Further to my theories on people strangely looking like their champs, Zuna plays a lot of short, roundish ADCs. Right? It's not my imagination? He doesn't seem to play those tall ADCs like Vayne or Ashe - and furthermore, looking back on my own posts, when he does, they lose! Chauster and Xmithie both played jungling asian guys in the last game, and Hotshot is a pretty big guy - at least compared to Link. As for the actual game, it's pretty one sided. CLG still shows on occasion that they are a good team, even though it's 12-1 in kills by that point, and Chauster was level 13, Aphromoo was 10, while Sycho Sid and Zuna were 18, CLG still somehow manages to win a teamfight, which we give them props for. But that lead is just insurmountable.