Thursday, June 27, 2013

LCS NA Summer W1 pt2

Week 1 is a super week, in case I didn't mention.

Team Dignitas vs Team SoloMid
[Dig bans: Shen, Thresh, Karthus][TSM bans: Evelynn, Ryze, Jayce]
Dig: Kha'Zix, Zac, Diana, Ezreal, Janna
TSM: Yorick, Elise, Kennen, Draven, Lulu
Either Kobe or Riv said of the early game dance-off: "Step Up 3: The Rift" and that was actually funny, so whoever it was is my new favorite caster for today.  Dig roll.

Vulcun vs Velocity Esports
[Vul bans: Evelynn, Janna, Elise][VES bans: Twisted Fate, Ryze, Jayce]
Vul: Rumble, Nsaus, Kha'Zix, Tristana, Thresh
VES: Kennen, Jarvan, Kayle, Draven, Nami
When it comes to base racing, it looks like there's no substitute for pro level experience?

Team Coast vs Counter Logic Gaming
[CST bans: Sejuani, Kennen, Twisted Fate][CLG bans: Jayce, Kha'Zix, Ryze]
CST: Orianna, Elise, Zed, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank
CLG: Renekton, Jarvan, Karthus, Ezreal, Thresh
The reason there's an Orianna in the top lane is because ZionSpartan had to go to his own high school graduation.  Jintae, their old mid player, is subbing in.  CLG was doing well for a lot of this game, until DontMashMe became totally monstrous on his Cait.

Velocity Esports vs Team Dignitas
[VES bans: Karthus, Diana, Nasus][Dig bans: Thresh, Elise, Evelynn]
VES: Renekton, Ezreal, Janna, Tristana, Sona
Dig: Kennen, Zac, Kha'Zix, Graves, Lulu
Interesting.  The Ez has smite, but didn't spend too much time in his jungle.  They spend it all shoving each lane hard, and forcing Dig to run around like crazy trying to keep their turrets up.  And it almost works - Dig is on their last turret inside their base, while VES is completely fine.  But lucky for Dig, they had champs with a LOT of hard engage to catch VES's disengage team and finally, finally ace them for the win.  It was such a good idea, VES!  I'm going to talk my peeps into trying it.

Cloud 9 vs Team Coast
[C9 bans: Twitch, Nunu, Caitlyn][CST bans: Kennen, Kha'Zix, Ryze]
C9: Rumble, Zac, Jayce, Ezreal, Sona
CST: Elise, Fiddlesticks, Zed, Graves, Thresh
C9 wins really fast.

Team SoloMid vs Vulcun
[TSM bans: Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Sona][Vul bans: Kha'Zix, Karthus, Twisted Fate]
TSM: Shen, Elise, Ryze, Draven, Thresh
Vul: Kennen, Sejuani, Jayce, Tristana, Lulu
TSM zz-roll

Counter Logic Gaming vs Curse
[CLG bans: Blitzcrank, Draven, Kha'Zix][Crs bans: Twisted Fate, Kennen, Elise]
CLG: Jayce, Sejuani, Vladimir, Vayne, Lulu
Crs: Ryze, Zac, Karthus, Ezreal, Thresh
Just fast forward to the 45 minute mark, because whatever happened early matters a lot less when you're 45 minutes in and gold is dead even.  More sudden death at high levels; it's nice that it still exists, even though these teams have played each other several times. Haha, they tried to ask Link afterwards if CLG was getting paid by the hour by their sponsors, and Link politely declined to discuss the 'confidential' matter.

Team Dignitas vs Team Coast
[Dig bans: Zed, Thresh, Kha'Zix][Cst bans: Karthus, Ryze, Jayce]
Dig: Elise, Zac, Diana, Ezreal, Alistar
CST: Riven, Fiddlesticks, Ahri, Varus, Blitzcrank
Usually, I am not amused by birthday Fiddlesticks, because I'm always the victim, but it IS pretty funny when a commentator says: Happy Birthday, Crumbz! after he's been blown up by crowstorm.  Birthday-storm.  Surprise!  Crumbz's Zac and imaqtpie's Blue Ez are too awesome.  Some of the mechanics at the end are extremely impressive.  Amazing ending.  You should watch it, it's very close, and kinda crazy exciting.

Vulcun vs Counter Logic Gaming
[Vul bans: Orianna, Elise, Twisted Fate][CLG bans: Kha'Zix, Jayce, Kennen]
Vul: Ryze, Nasus, Xerath, Caitlyn, Thresh
CLG: Yorick, Nocturn, Karthus, Kog'Maw, Sona
Whew, CLG, this is going to be a long season at this rate?  56 minute game, but eventual loss.

Team SoloMid vs Curse
[TSM bans: Twisted Fate, Thresh, Ziggs][Crs bans: Karthus, Kha'Zix, Elise]
TSM: Jayce, Zac, Orianna, Caitlyn, Janna
Crs: Kennen, Nasus, Ryze, Varus, Sona
Do you see that Ziggs ban?  Yeah, that's TSM telling you that they don't really respect the threat that you present.  Reggie said as much afterwards, too.  The next step is for them to play like, Teemo and Karma and still roll.  Just to be really insulting.

Velocity Esports vs Cloud 9
[VES bans: Zac, Kennen, Kha'Zix][C9 bans: Evelynn, Kayle, Janna]
VES: Jarvan, Elise, Rumble, Ezreal, Nami
C9: Ryze, Nasus, Zed, Jayce, Thresh
Interesting really early base race, but C9 still takes the expected win in the end.

C9 5-0
CST 3-2
TSM 3-2
Vul 3-2
CLG 2-3
Dig 2-3
Crs 1-4
VES 1-4