Today, I'm going to Grin and Bear It.
This is very similar to an early resolution, but today, the signs are all there - stuff is heading towards the fan, as they say. Things are going to go south, I can feel it, and I've got to find a way to gird myself up with enough goodwill and cheer to last me through tough times ahead. Does this mean slicing up as many necromorphs as possible and shoving my face with BBQ? Probably. Did you ever play Eternal Darkness on the GameCube? (You should, it is so good.) There was a Sanity meter, along with mana and HP. If Sanity ran low, you'd start seeing things that weren't there - a fantastic little game mechanic. This is a similar, but more Real Life kind of meter. Shall we name it Patience? Or simply, Endurance? A slightly more different Sanity?
So let's say you have 16 hours of non-work to recharge that Sanity meter. Only, that's a lie, of course. After subtracting extra work hours and commuting, you probably have 8 hours of sleep, and more like 4 hours of free time in which to get to recharging. Can you even do enough to get that bar back to full before having to trudge into another full day of work? And how fast does work deplete that bar? Can you keep your head out of water, in that sense? (I hear, for some people, work actively fills that bar. Freaks.) Can you take long coffee breaks to try and pump some life back into your Sanity meter before it goes empty on you? Or do you start losing a little ground every day on it, and have to take big vacations to replenish it to full? I don't know about you, but my bar doesn't always get filled by a long vacation. Sometimes, between travel hassle and home chores undone, the Sanity gauge isn't topped off at all...
I have probably three hours, tonight, to really get some life into that bar. Time to party hard? Can you work hard and have Sanity meter recharge faster? Or is that considered even more work, thus emptying the tank instead (!) ?