Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today: Exercise

Debriefing from Be Nice: Largely a success, we just kept the discussion away from work topics, and I'm much better at that. Less likely to choke anyone, that is. Never fear. I will eventually get used to him, I'm sure.

As for high fructose corn syrup, it was a success depending on your view. I did avoid all drinks with HFCS, but I ended up substituting a whole ton of milk, vastly exceeding my dairy requirements for the day.

Today, I'm going to Exercise.

Oh, it was going to be some other mundane resolution. (I won't respond to accusations that today's resolution might have been "Get a Hotdog". These are unsubstantiated rumors.) But being FAT suddenly became too great an issue to ignore any longer! Exercise! It really should be our resolution for every day.

But that's not what we're resolving right now. We are resolving to do exercise today. So for at least today, we are fighting back against the tidal waves of rolling fat. For today, we're pushing that rock up that hill, Sisyphus-style! For today, we're... man, I'm getting tired already, just thinking about it.