Thursday, March 10, 2011

LoL: Soraka Files, Reborn!

After a dismal start to the evening with my horribly newb Nidalee-playing, I went back to the ol' Soraka standby, especially since my friend was rolling with Garen, and somehow (I'm not entirely sure why) Garen+Soraka Lane = Comedy Hour.

If I had to ponder the circumstances, I'd be forced to conclude that it's too tempting for enemy heroes to leave us alone. Garen is often considered ignorable, and Soraka is just a tasty treat for every other champ out there. Pile on the fact that I don't heal the Garen, just let him wander around healing himself from near-death with his passive, and we must look too delicious to ignore. People come steaming in from all over the map to get a piece of that pie. And then silence, spin, silence, Demacian Justice. I even got a few kills. Do you even realize what that looks like on the screen? SORAKA is on a RAMPAGE. Rawr. Run for your lives, ha ha ha.

Anyway, the amount of healing might be why we don't die, and the amount of silence might be why they don't escape. But I really can't put my finger on one thing. All I know is, Gangplank came down to join us, and we pushed towers and killed champs for FAR too long. I didn't even heal either of them, since they each heal themselves.

At the end of the match, the other team was crying "op healz," which must be every Soraka's dream come true.