But, yes - sad stories. Everyone is Quarter Life Crisis (QLC) and hates their job. Everyone wishes they could quit and travel the world. Everyone wishes they didn't have to work and could play video games all day long. Except the architects, who love working 80 hours a week. I shouldn't have expected anything else, really.
At least my boss isn't trying to undermine my work
At least my coworkers aren't trying to take credit for my work
At least there isn't a nasty office manager who is deliberately difficult
At least someone doesn't tattle to my boss if I so much as take a bathroom break
At least I can commute to work within an hour
At least I have a desk and a computer to call my own
At least my workplace doesn't block websites/ips
At least my workplace doesn't demand I work overtime for no pay every day
Also, I've been reading firstworldproblems on reddit to remind myself that my problems are trivial.
Today I'm going to Get Some Sun.
There's sun out there for the taking! I'm going to get out there and enjoy me some nature, dammit! I just need to get out of work early enough to carpe lux.