So this game, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, was written by the same people. There. That ought to do it. Go buy it.
More details? Is it because you haven't played the Phoenix Wright games? Fine. It's a game where you solve... (wait for it...) your own murder. Because you're dead. Get it? Ghost Detective?
Specific to this publisher, your brain during the course of the game looks like this:
- "This game is easy."
- "This game is goofy."
- "Huhn, that was neat."
Because, for some reason, they enjoy a specific twisty-ness to their plotlines that unfolds over the course of the entire story. And I am in full support of any story on any medium that can surprise me with plot twists. So don't give up on any of these games because they are easy, or because the early game is a bit goofy.
Just like Phoenix Wright, Ghost Detective does not have especially difficult-to-solve puzzles, or anything, you're just in it for the very fine storytelling. But on that note, the pinnacle of their storytelling success was in the last Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright proper, not Apollo Justice), so if you want just the best one, play through those. This one is very fine, and the animation and different gameplay are new aspects, but I suppose it's hard to hold a candle to the trilogy of Phoenix Wright stories...