Debriefing from Finances: Not a complete investigation, but things were organized into budgets and categories, and I nixed one of my recurring monthly bills, and I'm setting up to look into another, so that's something good that came out of it. I did turn out to have some money left over each month, so I'm going to get back on GameFly, maybe try to get back to reviewing games, even if those reviews end up being super out of date. I have less time for renting games, but you know how it is. Work hard, play hard. Or, "work long hours, play long hours.... sleep when you're dead". All I have to do to reclaim gaming hours is to stop playing League of Legends! Easier said than done! Maybe next week I'll do a statistical investigation of my time.
Today I'm going to Plan Ahead.
Mostly because of the SuperBowl. I want wings, and I figure I'm going to have to order wings in advance. I've got chips, I've got drinks, I'm already one step ahead on today's resolution!
Er, right, I'd better invite some more people.
Too bad everyone I know hates football.