Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today: Planning Ahead 2

Debriefing from Speaking Clearly: No good. I didn't actually talk to very many people yesterday. My job is more, sit at a computer all day and don't interact with anyone. No wonder my speaking habits have become rusty and un-parse-able. Look. I did it again. Anyway. Tabled for another time. Perhaps I'll find myself hobnobbing at some high society party and then I can re-focus on this issue. Haha. And perhaps bacon and eggs will fall from the sky and we'll all have brunch on the beach!

Today, I'm going to Plan Ahead.

Last time, perhaps we were too ambitious. We jumped feet first into the more advanced planning, which involved distance. And other people as unpredictable variables. Today, we're going to start really small. I'm just going to conceptualize this evening in an organized way. Because sometimes I get home, and I wonder what I have to do, versus what I want to do, and then.... I end up watching TV like a zombie until it's too late to do either. Not even TV I wanted to watch.

So today, I have a little free time at work, I'm gonna get it straight in my head what I intend to do with what little time I have at home before I have to go to sleep, then turn right back around and head back to work. I think my goals will be to 1) get a small chore done, like... laundry, or dishes, and 2) spend the rest of the evening studiously gaming, before 3) watching an episode of something I want to watch, and then 4) going to bed on time.

I feel like even these little things can make the difference between a 'successful' evening, and one that I just wasted away. I mean, 'work hard, play hard' means you have to properly organize both, right?

And if all that's done early, I can try to plan ahead for Valentine's Day. For extra credit.