Whatever it is, do you find yourself wondering what you're doing with your life? That's a hallmark, I hear. Here's the real crisis: I can't stand working overlong hours at something I'm not enjoying just to stress out about work in the few hours I supposedly have to myself, just to find myself going back to work again before I've hardly taken off my jacket at home.
Xian: Try my work. I was ordered by the salespeople once to "invent" 4 new ways our customers could pay us, because the salespeople couldn't do their job and sell the stupid product, and they thought more ways to pay was the answer. My jaw dropped.Me: Did you create a system where your customers could pay you in bananas? Because your salespeople are a bunch of monkeys?Xian: May as well have. We received exactly zero new customers as a result of adding new ways to pay, for the record.
What scares me is that I've started to look upon other jobs really favorably, when before, I would shudder at the thought of doing things like that for a living. Like being a janitor, or flipping burgers? At least you go home at a set time every day, you don't worry about what will or won't happen tomorrow, and you're not expected to do anything while you're gone. You don't get emails at 4am in the morning demanding anything, and you don't have to kick and scratch in office or interoffice politics. No one expects you to work holidays or overtime for no extra pay, and you can take vacations when you want, as long as you schedule them in advance.
Does that sound good to you? Could be you're suffering from the same thing as me.
Xian: You hate your job? You know there's a support group for those people? It's called "Everyone" and they meet at the bar at 9pm on days ending with a 'Y'.
It's just... the uncomfortable feeling at the end of a video game, where you realize you're stuck because you didn't do something way at the beginning? Like that, only there's no 'restart' option on life...