In one game, the Nidalee was repeatedly heading out on her own and getting caught on the other side of the jungle and easily murdered. She raged at everyone on our team, and finally turned on me, telling me that I had "no survivability". We all paused when we read it and emitted a long "....?" as she proceeded to tell the other team how she was so good, but the rest of us were losing the game for her. We tried to respond mildly, but got a hearty string of "stfu" and other curses for our supposed incompetence.
Same thing in another game, maybe even sadder: someone picked Soraka before I had a chance, and chat was down temporarily, so I couldn't warn her that this was maybe not the best idea. She laned top with a treant, and they proceeded to die repeatedly. Then, she started reaming our Ez for not leaving mid to come gank top properly, and blaming everything from the bottom lane to Ez to lag for her deaths (and still bought a Mejai's, mysteriously). Finally, after many curses and blaming the rest of the team, she just said "I'm going to go make a sandwich" and stopped moving for the remainder of the game.
In another game, I had 20 stacks of Mejai's, and we rolled in and over their base in about 25 minutes. In another, I was very proud that I stuck it out by a tower and danced around a frustrated Jax until we both were dead. In another, the Ashe called me 'pocket Soraka win,' which I was thought was quite nice of her.
So, as I may have mentioned in the past, LoL is full of both the funniest and most entertaining people, and some of the crabbiest, rage-filled, whiny-ass gamers ever. Sometimes you get great people, and sometimes you get awful people that will be so awful they'll also blame you for losing! That is the real definition of 'ELO hell' - some strange confluence of ratings that land us with non-team players that also rage at you with two hands while feeding the opposing team. Maybe we ought to create an 'unfriend' or 'enemy' list on top of the 'friend' list. I imagine that if enough people name a guy an 'enemy' than Riot will know they are a problem gamer.