- TSM most picked: Taric (54.6%), Miss Fortune (54.6%), Orianna (45.5%), Maokai (36.4%), Jarvan (36.4%)
- TSM most banned: Kayle (54.6%), Elise (36.4%), Twisted Fate (27.3%)
- TSM most banned against: LeBlanc (54.6%), Singed (36.4%), Kayle (36.4%)
- GGU most picked: Lulu (41.7%), Elise (33.3%), Akali (25%), Lux (25%), Twitch (25%)
- GGU most banned: Kayle (41.7%), Xin Zhao (41.7%), Nidalee (33.3%)
- GGU most banned against: Nidalee (58.3%), Twitch (50%), Kayle (33.3%)
- coL most picked: Jarvan (44.4%), Shen (44.4%), Taric (44.4%), Twitch (33.3%), Kog'Maw (33.3%)
- coL most picked: Jarvan (44.4%), Shen (44.4%), Taric (44.4%), Twitch (33.3%), Kog'Maw (33.3%)
- coL most banned: Nidalee (55.6%), Kayle (44.4%), Singed (44.4%)
- coL most banned against: Zed (66.7%), Kayle (44.4%), Vi (33.3%)
- dig most picked: Diana (50%), Alistar (50%), Xin Zhao (41.7%), Singed (41.6%), Draven (33.3%)
- dig most banned: Twisted Fate (58.3%), Nidalee (33.3%), Elise (25%)
- dig most banned against: Kayle (66.7%), Gragas (33.3%), Draven (33.3%)
- Crs most picked: Jarvan (45.5%), Taric (45.5%), Xin Zhao (36.4%), Miss Fortune (36.4%), Ryze (27.3%)
- Crs most banned: Shen (72.7%), Rumble (27.3%), Kayle (27.3%)
- Crs most banned against: Xin Zhao (54.6%), Kayle (45.5%), Miss Fortune (36.7%)
- CLG most picked: Vayne (45.5%), Lee Xin (36.4%), Cho'Gath (36.4%), Taric (27.3%), Malphite (27.3%)
- CLG most banned: Xin Zhao (45.5%), Rumble (27.3%), Zed (18.2%)
- CLG most banned against: Nidalee (63.6%), Shen (54.6%), Twisted Fate (36.4%)
- VC most picked: Alistar (53.9%), Elise (30.8%), Ezreal (30.8%), Kog'Maw (30.8%), Xin Zhao (30.8%)
- VC most banned: Kayle (61.5%), Twisted Fate (46.2%), Xin Zhao (23.1%)
- VC most banned against: Elise (46.2%), Nidalee (38.5%), Rumble (30.1%)
- MRN most picked: Tristana (55.6%), Jarvan (44.4%), Renekton (44.4%), Vi (44.4%), Akali (33.3%)
- MRN most banned: Kayle (55.6%), Singed (33.3%), Shen (22.2%)
- MRN most banned against: Renekton (56.6%), Jarvan (44.4%), Twisted Fate (33.3%)
Team SoloMid vs Good Game University
---TSM bans: Elise, Akali (did not ban third)---GGU bans: Miss Fortune, Kayle, Jarvan---
TSM: Rumble, Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate, Kog'Maw, Thresh
GGU: Singed, Zed, Diana, Vayne, Lulu
Pretty dominated by TSM. They didn't even ban a third champ, that's how unworried they were?
Complexity vs Team Dignitas
---coL bans: Diana, Alistar, Thresh---d bans: Jayce, Caitlyn, Jarvan---
coL: Elise, Cho'Gath, Kha'Zix, Varus, Sona
d: Renekton, Xin Zhao, Kayle, Draven, Lulu
dignitas trades mid and bot lanes, to be extra-harrassful in mid, and so Patoy's Lulu can roam from lane to lane. She didn't much, though. And somehow, somehow, complexity claws and scratches its way to a big upset. Seriously, Phreak and Rivington were discussing the online voting poll earlier (Rivington also introduced Phreak as "the one, the only, Phreak, who's face just does tons of damage") and the folks out in the world were 96% to 4% in favor of dignitas. This one is probably worth watching.
Curse vs Counter Logic Gaming
---Crs bans: Xerath, Vayne, Twisted Fate---CLG bans: Kog'Maw, Xin Zhao, Renekton---
Crs: Elise, Jarvan, Ryze, Miss Fortune, Sona
CLG: Rumble, Shen, Gragas, Caitlyn, Lulu
What's going on with you, CLG? Now Link is playing top, HotshotGG's in the jungle, and bigfatlp is back and in mid? Too much turnover, CLG, you can't play like this. Crs is basically made up of people you've kicked out, and they're delightfully out for vengeance.
Vulcun Command vs Team MRN
---VC bans: Akali, Renekton, Irelia---MRN bans: Thresh, Elise, Kayle---
VC: Rumble, Renekton, Nidalee, Tristana, Sona
MRN: Shen, Jarvan, Ryze, Caitlyn, Nami
New player on Team MRN, they don't seem to have their act together during this game.
Curse vs Team Solomid
---Crs bans: Xerath, Thresh, Singed---TSM bans: Akali, Elise, Twisted Fate---
Crs: Katarina, Jarvan, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Janna
TSM: Rumble, Xin Zhao, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Sona
You know how sometimes some team just gets so far ahead it makes the other team look bad? No matter how good the other team is, there's nothing they can do to salvage the situation, or even a little bit of dignity from the loss. That was this game.
Team Dignitas vs Good Game University
---d bans: Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Lulu---GGU bans: Diana, Gragas, Singed---
d: Elise, Vi, Kayle, Varus, Sona
GGU: Jayce, Trundle, Kog'Maw, Ezreal, Janna
Epic poke comp from GGU, with the AP Kog'Maw mid. But poke comps don't seem to be terribly successful at tower defense.
Complexity vs Vulcun Command
---coL bans: Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Lux---VC bans: Zed, Kayle, Elise---
coL: Rumble, Amumu, Kha'Zix, Caitlyn, Thresh
VC: Shen, Nassus, Diana, Varus, Sona
One of the rarest games out there. Dead even in kills and gold for nearly an hour. Every fight after 40 minutes is like sudden death - an ace means game over. They eventually base race, and that's the ultimate in sudden death.
Team MRN vs Counter Logic Gaming
---MRN bans: Thresh, Rumble, Kayle---CLG bans: Syndra, Jarvan, Renekton---
MRN: Irelia, Shen, Diana, Tristana, Alistar
CLG: Elise, Maokai, Ryze, Vayne, Lulu
Another close game, despite new player on MRN in mid.