This was a long week, so I broke it up into two. I'm loving the touch screen analysis. It's like Sportscenter for LoL. LoLcenter. Also similar to the Sportscenter effect, the commentators mention that the players have become obsessed with their KDA ratios because the LCS keeps track of them and displays it next to your name in order to have a vague sense of 'grading'.
Good Game University vs Dignitas
---GGU bans: Singed, Xin Zhao, Draven---d bans: Twisted Fate, Kayle, Elise---
GGU: Akali, Vi, Orianna, Graves, Lulu
d: Diana, Nocturne, Gragas, Ezreal, Sona
I can't recommend this vid because it's been a really long day of games, and Phreak has gotten especially loopy with his casting. Dignitas wins.
Team MRN vs Team Solomid
---MRN bans: LeBlanc, Singed, Malphite---TSM bans: Twisted Fate, Kayle, Renekton---
MRN: Akali, Jarvan, Nidalee, Tristana, Alistar
TSM: Rumble, Xin Zhao, Xerath, Miss Fortune, Taric
Just check out that lineup and tell me who had the better skill set to deal with Jarvan's ult? That's right, one team has 5 jump skills, and one team has zero. Team MRN just took out CLG earlier in the night, and they proceed to dismantle TSM, as well. Nice.
Team Solomid vs Vulcun Command
---TSM bans: Nidalee, Elise, Rumble---VC bans: Miss Fortune, Jarvan, Kayle---
TSM: Singed, Maokai, Xerath, Kog'Maw, Taric
VC: Renekton, Xin Zhao, Lux, Ezreal, Alistar
This is the first game of the next morning, and Muffinqt was still trying to wake up during picks and bans. As for Xerath, flavor of the week, it looks like. VC gets solidly ahead and even looks like they're about to end it, but somehow, TSM uses their experience and savvy to delay until Kog'Maw becomes basically unstoppable.
Dignitas vs Complexity
---d bans: Zed, Jayce, Twisted Fate---coL bans: Singed, Kayle, Diana---
d: Elise, Xin Zhao, Nidalee, Jayce, Zyra
coL: Shen, Maokai, Kassadin, Kog'Maw, Taric
Woah, dignitas dismantled them in under 20 minutes.
Good Game University vs Team MRN
---GGU bans: Renekton, Vi, Nidalee---MRN ban: Kayle, Rumble, Twisted Fate---
GGU: Fizz, Elise, Orianna, Twitch, Alistar
MRN: Akali, Jarvan, Lux, Tristana, Sona
MRN has a ton of damage in this game. They really blow up anyone they find.
CounterLogic Gaming vs Curse
---CLG bans: Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate, Nidalee---Crs bans: Shen, Malphite, Xerath---
CLG: Cho'Gath, Jarvan, Lux, Vayne, Lulu
Crs: Tryndamere, Nocturne, Kayle, Miss Fortune, Alistar
Kind of a dull grind to victory for CLG, despite two invulnerability abilities for Crs. Some of the fights were really weird and scattered. Like, low ELO fights.
Team SoloMid vs Curse
---TSM bans: Akali, Twisted Fate, Xin Zhao---Crs bans: Shen, Xerath, Kayle---
TSM: Singed, Maokai, Orianna, Kog'Maw, Alistar
Crs: Elise, Jarvan, Ryze, Tristana, Lulu
High level game play all around, high level fights. Crs just edges them in kills, eventually.
Complexity vs CounterLogic Gaming
---coL bans: Xerath, Malphite, Vayne---CLG bans: Zed, Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate---
coL: Jayce, Jarvan, Kayle, Twitch, Taric
CLG: Shen, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Kog'Maw, Lulu
CLG discovers the miracle that is AP Nidalee, coL neglects to purchase MR. It was ugly.
Team MRN vs Dignitas
---MRN bans: Draven, Singed, Kayle---d bans: Renekton, Akali, Twisted Fate---
MRN: Shen, Jarvan, Nidalee, Tristana, Sona
d: Elise, Xin Zhao, Diana, Corki, Alistar
dignitas lane switched mid and bottom, so the Corki/Alistar was against the Nidalee in mid, and I disliked it. I dislike Corki in general. I found myself in the strange position of rooting against scarra, and that turned out to be a losing proposition. Dignitas rolled solidly, despite AP Nidalee, which has been so solid lately!
Vulcun Command vs Good Game University
---VC bans: Vi, Twisted Fate, Twitch---GGU bans: Nidalee, Kayle, Singed---
VC: Elise, Jarvan, Lux, Kog'Maw, Alistar
GGU: Akali, Xin Zhao, Orianna, Ezreal, Sona
Phreak got excited during picks and bans because VC was headed towards an all animal team (Alistar, Elise, Kog'Maw), and he scoffed at the "entirely humanoid" GGU team. Anyway, if you were waiting for an epic Akali game, this is going to be the one. ZionSpartan just carries his team via some murderous Akali.
Dig: 10-2
Crs: 9-2
CLG: 7-4
TSM: 7-4
MRN: 4-5
VC: 4-9
GGU: 2-10
coL: 1-8