Super week in the EU, lots of games to get to. Notice that the EU setup doesn't include a number of small sophistications that have been added to the LA studio: players still wearing double earphones, no name labels or 'power ranger cam', no fancy touch screen debriefing screen. They do, however, have an in-studio audience, which is pretty cool.
Gambit Gaming vs Dragonborns
---GG bans: Draven, Jarvan, Vi---DB bans: Ryze, Kayle, Xin Zhao---
GG: Shen, Volibear, Zed, Miss Fortune, Thresh
DB: Renekton, Amumu, Kha'Zix, Varus, Leona
Huhn, guess the patch hasn't deterred the EU from taking Kha'Zix. And the Xerath popularity wave hasn't reached their shores, either. Exciting game - DB (and to a lesser extent GG) is one of the last teams that's all about killing folks and not just grinding away. But alas for my favorite team DB, GG is that one team in the movie that's disciplined and organized and cohesive, and DB is the team in the movie that has moxie and renegades and is mostly undisciplined. It's what we love about them, but they just get edged in all the big fights.
SK Gaming vs Against All Authority
---SK bans: Renekton, Elise, Xin Zhao---aAa bans: Twitch, Shen, Vi---
SK: Irelia, Jarvan, Kayle, Varus, Taric
aAa: Jayce, Volibear, Nidalee, Ezreal, Sona
There are some nice fights in this one, if you enjoy somewhat one-sided fights. Ocelot apparently grew a beard of +2 power. SK wins.
Giants vs Fnatic
---Giants bans: Malphite, Nidalee, Tryndamere---Fnatic bans: Ryze, Kennen, Xin Zhao---
Giants: Garen, Hecarim, Diana, Ashe, Sona
Fnatic: Shen, Kayle, Zyra, Miss Fortune, Leona
A Garen! Woaaah. Even the commentators scrambled to remember his abilities. We've never seen him with Hecarim or Diana, and we've never seen him 1v2. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work, and he ended up not being effective. And Jimbz, previously my hero, was not effective as Ashe. Fnatic just pushes them down.
Evil Geniuses vs Copenhagen Wolves
---EG bans: Elise, Syndra, Kayle---CW bans: Anivia, Thresh, Sona---
EG: Shen, Vi, Lux, Varus, Alistar
CW: Renekton, Xin Zhao, Kassadin, Ezreal, Taric
Nope, don't watch it. Poor CW doesn't even put up much of a fight.
Giants vs SK Gaming
---Giants bans: Kayle, Xin Zhao, Vi---SK bans: Kennen, Sona, Elise---
Giants: Shen, Hecarim, Ryze, Caitlyn, Thresh
SK: Darius, Volibear, Orianna, Graves, Zyra
Pretty dull grind to victory for SK.
Fnatic vs Dragonborns
---Fnatic bans: Xin Zhao, Jarvan, Thresh---DB bans: Shen, Kayle, Volibear---
Fnatic: Elise, Vi, Nidalee, Miss Fortune, Sona
DB: Darius, Amumu, Lux, Draven, Taric
That's a lot of roots, DB. But somehow Fnatic has more objective pushing power. Even though there were very nice, even fights and deaths were equal until the end, Fnatic cleared the base, and that's how you win.
Evil Geniuses vs Gambit Gaming
---EG bans: Twisted Fate, Renekton, Kassadin---GG bans: Anivia, Lux, Kayle---
EG: Irelia, Vi, Nidalee, Draven, Taric
GG: Shen, Xin Zhao, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw, Thresh
No, Wickd, don't face check that brush! First blood at a minute for GG.
Copenhagen Wolves vs Against All Authority
---CW bans: Sona, Nidalee, Shen---aAa bans: Lux, Kayle, Thresh---
CW: Singed, Vi, Syndra, Varus, Zyra
aAa: Renekton, Xin Zhao, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Lulu
Is it just me, or is CW's comp full of very angry characters? Are they angry because of their standings? Well they played solidly in this game. Their AP carry, Bjergsen, even got a pentakill. Good game.