Watch out for that preshow. I know you probably skip it to get straight to the games, but they interview Doublelift and Aphromoo, that's always full of 'oh, snap!' moments. Do you not love Doublelift? Come on! He's either a more awesome version of you, or a more uncensored version of any sports star. Like, for once getting an unfiltered, honest answer out of Peyton Manning: "What do you think of the Manning bowl?" "Well, we would always throw Eli up against walls by his underwear, so no, I'm not worried." Also, since a player named Sheep has joined the league, this is Phreak's first opportunity to go nuts with the puns. Even if you hate puns (like me), you will definitely be impressed by Kobe, who does not smack anyone, even though he's within arms reach of Phreak most of the time.
--- C9 vs XDG ---
If you haven't been paying attention, XDG made another switch, taking Zuna full circle back to his original role. I'm kinda glad it worked out for them; he's better as an ADC than anything else he's tried. The new support, Sheep, is good. They hinted at something unpleasant with their last support's departure, and that's always sad to hear. In other news, Lemonnation was caught fruit-handed on stage, where no food is allowed. An orange and a banana were confiscated, and am I the only crazy one that wants some hard-hitting investigative journalism on this issue? Where did this fruit come from? Why did C9 lose after it was confiscated? Why did he have an orange, if his name is LEMONnation? Questions.
--- CLG vs CRS ---
Do you ever watch these games, maybe live, and think during picks and bans: "This is over, please skip me to the end."? Maybe even in ban phase, you could call this - Crs let LeBlanc through to Link, who was MVP last week.
--- Dig vs TSM ---
Reggie is temporarily back mid, subbing for Bjergsen, and it's basically old times: a roll against Dig.
--- CST vs EG ---
Another game where you couldn't say what exactly went wrong for EG, or what CST was doing so much better, but they were clearly ahead, start to finish. Me, I don't believe in support Annie.
--- C9 vs TSM ---
Reggie is on LeBlanc, but you don't get to see him do anything good with her. C9 is legendary for their team fight phase, but they were already ahead by lane phase, so nobody looked good on TSM, of course.
--- EG vs Dig ---
EG brings out Top Yasuo, in case you haven't seen that before. It seems to be going well with the jungle Panth early on, but the game becomes a very back and forth affair, and EG lives up to what we thought about them: high level individual play, but no end-game plan or clear direction in team fights. Hope that is either untrue, or changes, for EG's sake.
--- XDG vs CLG ---
Wow, this one was quick. CLG is massive ahead before 20 minutes and just toys with XDG for the remainder. Lulu mid was a bad idea against Link, Mancloud. Sheep was good on Morgana support, though.
--- Crs vs CST ---
Nice try, banning Jax, Nid, and Leblanc, Crs. Shiphtur just takes Ahri and dodges around Voyboy's Gragas. There's a long game pause early on, so speed ahead to nearly the hour-mark of the vid, where you will see a terribly sad flash by Wizfuzin, attempting to block the Cait ult, but he totally overshoots the mark, and Ace in the Hole whizzes behind him to kill Daydreamin. Nice game again from CST, they always look so dominant when they start winning.