--- ALL vs FNC ---
ALL does a thing where they lock in Lulu first, and then wait to see what xPeke will pick mid into Lulu, then pick something else mid and let Nyph support Lulu. Also, Wickd goes back to Irelia, and tries to lvl 1 jump on someone with her. When that doesn't work, he just teleports back to top lane before he loses any cs. There's a kind of amazing Karthus ult that takes down Rekkles, even though it doesn't look like it's going to. Rekkles didn't even barrier. ALL wrap this one up pretty neatly.
--- SK vs SHC ---
It seems that SK's lineup is brutal: Renekton, Panth, Nid, Vayne, Annie. Once they use their combo, or Nid starts massively damaging with spears, you wonder why all these picks got through. Beer goggles for champions, I guess. Win-goggles. Panth will channel his ult, and just as it becomes visible to the enemy team, Annie slams Tibbers down in the center, so the target takes max damage from the Grand Skyfall. They blow up SHC's bot lane multiple times with this move.
--- MIL vs GMB ---
It was closer early on than I expected, after MIL chose Swain mid and Elise top. Did you just hear the slightly muffled derisive laughter of five Russians? Yup. At the end, Deficio deadpans: "And Diamond has Manamune. On Aatrox. Really, Darian? Really?"
--- ROC vs CW ---
Leblanc top, Zigs mid, Morgana support? Really, ROC? Has that been working for you in scrims? Because I'm not sure how that's sensible.
--- FNC vs GMB ---
I just criticized the triple-AP lineup, but Fnatic makes it work with Lulu top and Nidalee mid. Maybe because they've been playing it longer, maybe because they just got ahead really early and never let up the advantage. They started their losing streak with Gambit, and they ended it with Gambit. After losing to every other team in league, wow!
--- CW vs MIL ---
A high level show of Lee Sin skills by CW's Amazing, but otherwise a pretty standard game.
--- ALL vs SK ---
ALL gets down at about the 10-15 min mark, and never gets their act together to get back in it, though it keeps looking like they will. Just another case of that inevitable snowball.
--- SHC vs ROC ---
Mostly dull.