Group B: Fear, TowerDive TV, GoodGame University, Epik
FeaR vs TowerDive TV
---FR bans: Draven, Katarina, Lulu---TDT bans: Evelynn, Blitzcrank, Twisted Fate---
FR: Elise, Lee Sin, Ryze, Kog'Maw, Nunu
TDT: Xin Zhao, Shen, Lux, Ezreal, Sona
TDT had an unusual line-up, and an unusual strategy; Shen gave red buff to XZ top, and blue buff to EZ bot, and then spent all his time trying to gank, basically giving up jungle to try and dominate lanes. Alas, it did not work.
FeaR vs GoodGame University
---FR bans: Katarina, Nunu, Kha'Zix---GGU bans: Shen, Evelynn, Lee Sin---
FR: Rumble, Cho'Gath, Jayce, Ezreal, Zyra
GGU: Nidalee, Elise, Ziggs, Graves, Lulu
GGU initiates a lane switch, but champs are still listed above in order of the spirit of original lane assignments. I like ZionSpartan's Nidalee, but they couldn't quite overcome some key Rumble and Ezreal ults. They made a good game of it, though.
GoodGame University vs TowerDive TV
---GGU bans: Rumble, Evelynn, Kha'Zix---TDT bans: Irealia, BlitzCrank, Ryze---
GGU: Katarina, Shen, Karthus, Twitch, Nunu
TDT: Singed, Amumu, Vlad, Draven, Lulu
GGU continues to switch top and bot lanes, confident in ZionSpartan's Katarina 1v2, even picking up first blood down there with a gank from NintendudeX's Shen at the moment Lulu moves off to ward river. Katarina and Shen go on to dictate team fights, while Karthus surely outlanes Vlad mid, and the 2v1 lane top pushes out as well.
GoodGame University vs TowerDive TV
---GGU bans: Rumble, Evelynn, Kha'Zix---TDT bans: Irealia, BlitzCrank, Ryze---
GGU: Katarina, Shen, Karthus, Twitch, Nunu
TDT: Singed, Amumu, Vlad, Draven, Lulu
GGU continues to switch top and bot lanes, confident in ZionSpartan's Katarina 1v2, even picking up first blood down there with a gank from NintendudeX's Shen at the moment Lulu moves off to ward river. Katarina and Shen go on to dictate team fights, while Karthus surely outlanes Vlad mid, and the 2v1 lane top pushes out as well.
Epik Gamer vs GoodGame University
---EG bans: Elise, Nidalle, Katarina---GGU bans: Amumu, Evelynn, Shen---
EG: Kha'Zix, Maokai, Orianna, Twitch, Sona
GGU: Rumble, Olaf, Ziggs, Caitlynn, Nunu
Wonder what is up with Epik Gamer. Rusty? Been busy? They seemed extremely off their game. Well, Westrice was fine, but couldn't possibly carry hard enough to fight off all of GGU. Dan Dinh's jungle was invaded every which way, Salce didn't dominate mid, and cat8 and PureGoldenBoy got ruined even though they went 2v1 top vs ZionSpartan's Rumble.
Epik Gamer vs TowerDive TV
---EG bans: Blitzcrank, Nunu, Lee Sin---TDT bans: Evelynn, Amumu, Ryze---
EG: Kha'Zix, Maokai, Ahri, Ezreal, Zyra
TDT: Irelia, Jarvan, Vlad, Miss Fortune, Taric
The mistakes for EG continue in this game, starting with a disastrous level 1 jungle invade that leaves Westrice dead and Dan Dinh way behind. After getting down 6-0 in kills, EG claws it's way back into contention, but then seemingly throws the game away. Strange and unfortunate, because losing twice means we won't be seeing any more of Epik Gamer this season.
Final results:
1. FeaR (2-0)
2. GGU (2-1)
3. TDT (1-2)
4. EG (0-2)