Group A: The Brunch Club, Pulse eSports, Curse, compLexity
The Brunch Club vs Pulse
---TBC bans: Olaf, Kayle, Shen---pLs bans: Nunu, Amumu, Evelynn---
TBC: Jayce, Maokai, Kha'Zix, Ezreal, Sona
pLs: Cho'Gath, Jarvan, Ryze, Miss Fortune, Taric
Ellie Bee on Sona face checked bot bush and found all of pLs. Bad times. Despite being perpetually behind in kills, TBC keeps up admirably in gold. pLs realizes that TBC consists of a major poke comp, and counters this with hard engage. After a while, TBC realizes that their best bet to counter back is to counter-engage with Sona's ult and use the Jayce gate and Sona speed up to never be around for hard engage. They slowly snowball to the win.
Pulse eSports vs compLexity
---pLs bans: Kha'Zix, Nunu, Evelynn---coL bans: Twisted Fate, Ryze, Ahri---
pLs: Olaf, Xin Zhao, Kayle, Ezreal, Taric
coL: Shen, Amumu, Katarina, Miss Fortune, Lulu
pLs had both push comp and split push comp with Olaf, who was a monster. They took mid inhibitor by 17:00, and also starting winning team fights, perhaps due to superior gold - perhaps due to superior team.
Curse vs compLexity
---CRS bans: Olaf, Shen, Evelynn---coL bans: Twisted Fate, Nunu, Elise---
CRS: Kha'Zix, Cho'Gath, Ryze, Miss Fortune, Lulu
coL: Jax, Amumu, Katarina, Ezreal, Sona
Mid Katarina vs Ryze? I don't know what your plan was, coL. Well, at least we got to hear Deman make the Kha'Zix noise as Voyboy comes rampaging through the whole coL team.
Curse vs The Brunch Club
---CRS bans: Maokai, Shen, Evelynn---TBC bans: Amumu, Nidalee, Kha'Zix---
CRS: Elise, Cho'Gath, Twisted Fate, Ezreal, Lulu
TBC: Zed, Malphite, Kassadin, Miss Fortune, Sona
Voyboy was a positive monster top lane with Elise. Even when TBC tried to go for a gank, TF could always threaten to teleport up there to turn it around. Nothing went their way in this matchup.
The Brunch Club vs Pulse, Game 2
---TBC bans: Olaf, Kayle, Shen---pLs bans: Amumu, Kha'Zix, Kassadin---
TBC: Zed, Cho'Gath, Evelynn, Twitch, Soraka
pLs: Karthus, Jarvan, Ryze, Ezreal, Taric
Weird lineups on both sides. Soraka also took starfall level 1. Then the Soraka lucked out that she leveled up just before she was murdered by the Ezreal and got heal in time. Twitch got the turnaround kills and ended up with a BF sword in 4 minutes. Didn't get better for pLs from there.
1. Curse (2-0)
2. TBC (2-1)
3. pLs (1-2)
4. coL (0-2)