Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dungeon Defenders: Huntress

Ranged attacks, no real right-click skill (it's 'reload') and proximity traps that have a certain number of uses before they expire.

  • Proximity Mine: Pretty much what it says. Does good damage.
  • Gas Trap: Poison-based, stuns most monsters for a bit
  • Inferno Trap: Fire-based, hits all monsters in range for the duration after activation
  • Darkness Trap: Divert monster attention away from nearby heroes.
  • Ethereal Spike Trap: Lightning-based, does tons of damage to one randomly selected monster in range.
  • Invisibility: 15 mana to activate, 4 per second increasing. Monsters can't see you. Except those &^*(%^& ninjas!
  • Piercing shot: Shoot through for extra damage. It's costly and not that effective. But you basically have to use it with the portal gun to do any damage
Important Stats to Invest In
  • Health: She is squishtastic, so at least a few points in health
  • Damage: Increases as a % based on the weapon, so better to put points in later
  • Physical Speed: Important for everyone, at least a few points
  • Tower Health: Health for the Huntress is "number of activations before disappearing." It's key to the Huntress tower build.
  • Tower Speed: Speed for the Huntress is how often the trap can go off, which is worth a few points.
  • Tower Range: I'm not sure if this increases the range of the activation circle, or the damage circle, because I realized to my dismay yesterday that those are not the same circle. Needs investigating