Like any full-time sports reporting network, I’m out there, bringing you the news and buzz from around the BQB League. Only, with less of a budget. And maybe less staff. Okay, it’s nothing like the real thing.
Alright, Nan. Serious Interview Time. *gets out the thumbscrews*
Yes. Look at me. Seriousface.
Alright, Nan. Serious Interview Time. *gets out the thumbscrews*
Yes. Look at me. Seriousface.
Now. Your team. 211 points.
Is it cumulative through the season?
No, otherwise you probably would have it won already.
Well that sucks. I don’t think they’re going to bench those guys twice in one season.
That would be incredibly stupid, yes. And you don’t have much to hope for from the Panthers, the way that rookie Cam Newton is lighting fools up week after week.
Sure I do. I can wish for him to break a leg, and I also expect him to be stabbed by a stripper.
… Is this like Babe Ruth, pointing at the stands for a home run?
*makes the pose*