Besides, of the five people involved, only Rob and I have any real interest in football - a regular fantasy league would be beyond the tolerance of the other constituents.
We did a snake-style draft (as suggested by Grantland) and the results are as follows:
Me: Bengals, Bills, Redskins, 49ers.
My knowledge of football probably undermined my choices. While I've chosen bad teams with questionable quarterbacks, the BQBL is only scored on QB play and off the field incidents, which I may not have a strong roster for. Oh well, if I get points at the end of the year for "tanking to win the Andrew Luck Sweepstakes" I'll be happy enough. I had to go with the Bengals as the first pick, and the remaining three all play the Cowboys - I was going to root against them, anyway.
Rob: Raiders, Broncos, Dolphins, Colts
Rob agonized the whole time on whether Peyton Manning will return to the Colts. Since our simple style of fantasy means all four of your teams count towards your score every week, P-Man could be seriously detrimental if he led a heroic late-season charge to the playoffs. Curtis Painter, though, have you seen him in previous preseasons? It's a high stakes gamble, is what I mean. As for the Broncos, he hopes there's a benching in Denver before too long. QB benchings are worth a ton of points.
Xian: Ravens, Seahawks, Texans, Steelers
Knowing pretty close to nothing about football, Xian just chose teams he's never heard of before. In the interest of fairness, I pointed out that the Ravens demolished the Steelers in week 1, and he just shrugged. He's right - in this kind of league, clearly anything can happen, what with the Steelers turning the ball over 7 times. I'm sure the Seahawks will do well (terribly) for him, at least.
Alison: Browns, Lions, Cowboys, Eagles
For her first two picks, Alison said she was going to pick the crappiest towns she could think of, and then the two quarterbacks who were most in the news. She doesn't follow football, but she knows the names Tony Romo and Michael Vick, and that's a good place to start in this league, when you're banking on "getting arrested" and "getting detained by police" points. Smart move.
Nan: Panthers, Jaguars, Buccaneers, Chiefs
With the Bengals off the board, Nan wanted all remaining 'cat' teams. Yup. That was his reasoning.
I divided the remaining teams into a kind of NPC rating, Good, Medium, and Bad QBs:
GQB-NPC: Patriots, Chargers, Saints, Packers
MQB-NPC: Giants, Falcons, Cardinals, Jets
BQB-NPC: Titans, Bears, Vikings, Rams