Naturally, it turned out that this was not 'planned enough', and things generally ran late and/or didn't go as planned. Not that everyone had a horrible time, they seemed alright, and besides, it seemed to me that even if I had nailed down everything, things wouldn't have turned out perfectly anyhow. I think that raises more questions about the resolution itself more than my execution of it. We can't propose to finalize all events before they happen, especially when so many other people are involved.
Today I'm going to keep a Positive Outlook.
Being negative is no crime, I do enjoy me some (hopefully harmless) complaining about things, as it helps to pass the time in entertaining fashion. What we'll want to keep in mind is the kind and depth of negativity we're putting out into the world. Too much and too often puts your listeners in a bad place, for no real productive purpose. I suppose the old adage of "if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all" may hold some merit. Pure negativity isn't often constructive or educational or even entertaining.
It's not going to be hard for me, compared to some of the people I know, I'm incredibly positive all the time, so there will be two corollaries. First, it will be a difficult thing indeed to create a group dynamic of positiveness. Having a positive outlook simply does not, in my experience, rub off on those who are naturally negative. I will have to think on that. Second, perhaps it is possible to overdo a positive attitude. I will need to be 'positive', without being 'complacent'.