Friday, July 1, 2011

Today: Clean

Debriefing from Give People a Chance: Failure! Xian just told me a story about some stupid people, and my only reaction was: "stop telling me these stories and just set those people on fire, already." So.... definitely no progress there. (Even if Xian agreed with me!! Then again, he has a reputation for setting folks on fire. He's a little bit avoided at work, if you know what I mean...)

I did have a good day of Poker Face, though. I had one of those epic work meetings that lasted 4 hours, and went straight through lunch. My head hurt, my stomach growled, and the topic wasn't even relevant to me, but I put on the best blank, attentive face you ever did see and gutted through. So, not bad, if I say so myself.

Today, I'm going to Clean.

Because damn it all, it is awful up in here.