Monday, June 13, 2011

Today: Show No Weakness

Debriefing from Spin Positively:

Awful, and I hate it here with a simmering passion.

Today, I'm going to Not Show Weakness.

Two problems with this, classically, and it's sad that we'd have to classify them as 'problems':
1) I'm not an evil person by nature. Not a single "Might Makes Right" bone in my body. Nan, on the other hand, loves LeBron's responses to post-game questions. He actually said it was "awesome to be that powerful, to be able to 'eff you' every other person in the country and no one can do anything to you". It is like an age-old caveman mentality, and it disgusts me to my core. It's hard to adopt any principles in that direction.
2) I have great friends. I'm spoiled for reassurances, comfort, and kind words when I doubt myself, hedge my bets, or question my abilities. Sorry to put you in a negative category, friends!

I need to remember that the rest of the world is going to take weakness, and tear out its exposed throat. Even metaphorically. Time to put a zipper on words that suggest weakness to the caveman-minded out there.