Debriefing from Aim Higher: Well, not much got done there. But let me talk about a few other resolutions that seem to be relevant.
Show No Weakness: This involves a lot of a previous resolution to limit my speech. The less you say overall, the less weakness you show. Also, something to consider, is the fine line between showing no weakness, and plain being a jerk in order to compensate.
Be More Firm: Again, must tread that line of not being a total jerk, but also must find a balance between this and another previous resolution of not being a pessimist. I want to be firm about things, but I don't want to reject things out of hand. I ended up conceding on Being Firm in order to not violate the other resolution. But now that I've tried it once, never again. More Firm on that.
Today I'm going to Eat Poorly.
Some days it seems that everyone around me is some kind of health nut, and looks at me like I'm a disgusting pig when I'm ... well, admittedly I'm usually elbow-deep in some baby back ribs or bacon-covered bacon, or something. But not today! Today, I'm going to eat some decidedly lousy food, and no one will deter me!