That didn't take long, did it? Though difficulty might be set just a touch too high - death is frequent and convenient. And not to mention the walkthroughs for this kind of thing are always hyper-unhelpful: "Go here and kill all the dudes. Now move on." As if I would look up a walkthrough so it could tell me that? I mean, there's an objective marker. I'm not going to get lost.
One of the levels looks exactly like the shower room from The Rock. You think I'm just saying that. "Just like." I should emphasize that it is not a turn of phrase. They are identical. I mean, I'm a fan of The Rock, too, but I hope you got some kind of copyright?
Anyhow, variety of missions is good as usual. Music is good as usual. Drama is high again, if you didn't like it in the first place, be warned it reaches new heights. I hear some people didn't appreciate their attempt at so-called high-brow drama, but I'll let them get away with it again. They're clearly very proud of themselves for this mechanic, so let them play with it, I say.