Saturday, May 1, 2010

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Early

Very early in the goings of the game so far. Of course it's very nice-looking, but it depends on what you consider nice-looking. Bullet holes and floating debris in warzones? Realistic cracks in buildings and a certain realism in the rundown cars? After playing so much Final Fantasy, it's not what I'm looking for, myself.

You'll like this: you start the game by "showing the new recruits" how to use weapons and grenades. After running the training course, you get a recommendation on what level you'll want to be playing the game at. If you want to play higher than your recommended level, you'll have to show 'em you're worth it and run the course more efficiently. When you're satisfied with your performance, you may go and begin the game proper.

Let me go back and talk about realistic games again, because I was thinking this during Uncharted 2, and moreso now during CoD:MW2. You know how in animation, there's a a threshold of realness? If the character looks TOO human, it'll disturb the viewing audience, because of the very slight unreal aspect. Here, the realistic sight of blood splattering across your glasses when you get shot is so real, I find myself wondering how I survived that hit. Later, a guy pitifully tries to crawl away from me with his hands pressing against bullet wounds, and I wonder if I'm really doing the right thing by running up to him and shooting him in the face. The level of realism has been pushed so close to the end that now the cartoon aspect of taking several dozen bullets seems out of place. It makes me think that 'realism' is no longer a quality the game industry should choose to pursue. Well, not all of the game industry. Call of Duty is perfectly welcome to keep pushing this envelope as far as they see fit, because they're doing a fine job. But I don't think I want all my games like this. I enjoy running and gunning and not worrying about ammo or health, or feeling guilt for the horrified people I'm mowing down in the process and the tragic orphans they leave behind.

I suppose it's not for the squeamish. But that snowmobile level was quite cool.