Friday, October 16, 2015

7 Days to Die: Evolved

Woah, slacked off on posts, and in that interim we evolved from cocoon husks at 7 days to die to fully armed bad-asses.  It was hard earned, don't let me cheapen it by skipping to the end of the story, here.  Days went by.  Servers were restarted.  We slowly carved out a hidden base inside the bowels of the earth, only to have it stunningly collapse on our heads along with the thousands of zombies that spawned directly above us.  We restarted and restarted into that vast wasteland, until, exactly like Edge of Tomorrow (a movie for those who don't understand the video game learning curve), we spawned naked into the wilderness, and within minutes had shelter, fire, weapons, and armor.  The characters haven't evolved, we, the players, have learned every aspect necessary to our survival by trial and error.  It feels good.  We feel competent.  Now we wish there was a story to actually uncover with our hard-won survival skills, but I don't think there is.  Maybe I will try and write one and lobby for it's inclusion, something as simple as finding scraps of journals or working radios at the far reaches of the map.

We'll try a random map, once time permits again, and will wait for the next evolution of the game.