NJS vs GMB Game 2, 10 minutes in
Kills 6 3
Towers 0 0
Gold 16.2k 12.9k
Once more Twitch into the Rift from NJS. The casters mention that in the Korean leagues, Twitch is nearly 100% pick/ban for PraY, and I get it. If you're by far the best player on your team, take a champ that can melt the entire other team at once, right? It's very CLG, but then again, the other players aren't as supportive as they could be. Where Link would usually play Orianna to shield Doublelift, Nagne chooses Ahri again, to perhaps charm an enemy off PraY?
Early aggression and grouping up coming out of NJS, which we learned from the previous matchup of Fnatic and C9, is the way to defeat a team with better teamfight than you. Two kills (!) early on Alex Ich help to keep him down, and after he's gone, NJS grabs a sub-7-minute dragon. Something they may have learned from watching the games Gambit lost in the EU circuit - sacrifice everything to kill Alex, then take as much advantage as you can while he's dead, because GMB generally doesn't engage if Alex isn't there.