I found the VOD's over on MLG's page, because they were at MLG Anaheim for Week 3. And once again at MLG, the picks and ban numbers are pre-crunched and displayed before each match.
Team SoloMid
Most picked: Caitlyn (46.6%), Cho'Gath (40%), Rumble (40%), Sona (46.6%), Diana (26.6%)
Most banned: Jayce (53.5%), Elise (40%), Nasus (40%)
Most banned against: Shen (66.6%), Karthus (60%), Kha'Zix (26.6%)
Team Dignitas
Most picked: Zac (42.8%), Ezreal (35.7%), Diana (28.5%), Jayce (28.5%), Sona (28.5%)
Most banned: Twisted Fate (64.2%), Thresh (50%), Caitlyn (28.5%)
Most banned against: Diana (64.2%), Gragas (50%), Evelynn (42.8%)
Velocity Esports
Most picked: Nasus (40%), Elise (33.3%), Varus (33.3%), Zyra (33.3%), Draven (26.6%)
Most banned: Malphite (60%), Twisted Fate (60%), Jayce (26.6%)
Most banned against: Elise (60%), Draven (46.6%), Evelynn (26.6%)
Most picked: Jarvan (30.7%), Sona (30.7%), Varus (30.7%), Elise (23.1%), Ezreal (23.1%)
Most banned: Jayce (41.7%), Elise (41.7%), Diana (33.3%)
Most banned against: Twisted Fate (53.8%), Miss Fortune (53.8%), Blitzcrank (23.1%)
Counter Logic Gaming
Most picked: Orianna (46.1%), Elise (30.7%), Malphite (30.7%), Thresh (30.7%), Ezreal (23.1%)
Most banned: Jayce (38.4%), Kha'Zix (38.4%), Zac (38.4%)
Most banned against: Twisted Fate (84.6%), Elise (23.1%), Lux (23.1%)
Most picked: Sona (50%), Tristana (37.5%), Kog'Maw (31.2%), Jarvan (25%), Jayce (25%)
Most banned: Twisted Fate (50%), Shen (31.2%), Nocturne (31.2%)
Most banned against: Jayce (50%), Nasus (37.5%), Tristana (37.5%)
Team Coast
Most picked: Blitzcrank (44.4%), Ezreal (33.3%), Orianna (33.3%), Riven (27.7%), Thresh (27.7%)
Most banned: Shen (50%), Karthus (33.3%), Twisted Fate (33.3%)
Most banned against: Jayce (66.6%), Caitlyn (38.8%), Elise (38.8%)
Cloud 9
Most picked: Sona (58.3%), Zac (58.3%), Ezreal (50%), Rumble (41.6%), Jayce (33.3%)
Most banned: Karthus (41.6%), Kayle (33.3%), Thresh (33.3%)
Most banned against: Kennen (33.3%), Kha'Zix (33.3%), Twisted Fate (33.3%)
Team SoloMid vs Team Dignitas
[TSM bans: Lee Sin, Thresh, Lissandra][Dig bans: Shen, Nunu, Karthus]
TSM: Rumble, Elise, Twisted Fate, Draven, Lulu
Dig: Kennen, Nocturne, Master Yi, Ashe, Janna
Haha, when they show the picture lineup of the teams, both teams are super serious except for the ADC, which is giving a goofy grin in both cases. There was a pretty solid cheer from the crowd when Yi was picked up, and scarra did not disappoint, taking on Reggie mid with some quality Yi aggression. There's also a ton of kills, so this is a fine game to watch.
Velocity Esports vs Curse
[VES bans: Jayce, Twisted Fate, Zac][Crs bans: Draen, Elise, Nunu]
VES: Kennen, Evelynn, Kayle, Twitch, Zyra
Crs: Shen, Nasus, Karthus, Vayne, Thresh
This one goes back and forth and is pretty exciting, so it's somewhat recommended. I'm not into it, personally, because the fights are crazytown with giant flashy circles all over the place, coupled with two of the most subtle and dangerous ADCs - did both these teams plan it that way?
Counter Logic Gaming vs Vulcun
[CLG bans: Caitlyn, Thresh, Jayce][Vul bans: Twisted fate, Nunu, Shen]
CLG: Jarvan, Zac, Xerath, Tristana, Lulu
Vul: Kennen, Elise, Zed, Varus, Sona
I was worried about the Xerath, because "success" and "Xerath" just are words that never seemed to go together. But things worked out - and if you were worried about Bigfatlp jungling on Zac, he'd leap into the fray with abandon way ahead of the rest of his team, so maybe the role of jungler isn't so far off the mark for him.
Team Coast vs Cloud 9
[CST bans: Zac, Rumble, Elise][C9 bans: Riven, Nami, Nunu]
CST: Kennen, Jarvan, Lissandra, Twitch, Fiddlesticks
C9: Jayce, Nasus, Twisted Fate, Draven, Thresh
As Phreak said late in the game: "Goodbye, Coast"